merkley???: what are you going to do with your fame as best blog in canada?
me: not shut up about myself
merkley???: do you think it might turn you more crazy?
or do you think it will calm you down
me: why would it make me more crazy you think
like lindsay lohan?
i hope so
cos then i can lose a bunch of weight
merkley???: turn into a cokehead you mean?
me: no i did that already, briefly tho
do you mean full of myself more than i already am?
merkley???: yeah
but i like you that way
me: is that even possible
merkley???: so it will probably be good
me: yeah cos i can say things like I LIKE TO CREATE ATMOSPHERE and people will be forced to take me/it seriously
merkley???: ha
me: i said that in an interview once for sex tv, they didnt use the line tho
my friends were in the next room listening in and one texted me saying YOU’RE BLOWING IT
merkley???: nice
me: i was high as hell and drunk and on the cusp of a nervous breakdown
three hour taped interview, 40 seconds they aired
fucking trainwreck
merkley???: i wanna see it
me: i didnt even see it i passed out on atavan 2 minutes before it came on re: nervous breakdown
merkley???: although i always get a little weirded out when i hear you talk
because i had a different voice for you in my head before i ever actually heard yours
me: i have various voices, im either deep, raspy or high pitched valley girl, that’s when im drunk
please vote for me now so that i can be your lindsay lohan of canada thank you.