doodboogers i know there are a lot of you i need MORE VOTES today is the absolute last day do you want me to lose to a mommy blog? OR do you want a mommy blog, TO LOSE TO ME!?!?
they will close the voting at some point today i don’t know when you should be awake right now continually voting and/or reading my blog cos if i lose nananana nananana HEY HEY HEY goodbye!
ps as your leader i will post vag shots a la britney spears except with waaaay more muff and sky-rocket to fame and say it was cos of my legions. IF i skyrocket to fame as your un-leader i will shit-talk you mercilessly. if you all vote today i WILL WIN BEST BLOG so please help and imagine everything i said in the sweetest most nicest tone of voice possible.
also i will write about having sex with fil more and post erotic photos of him.
so vote for me as many times as you can today and tell your nieces and nephews as well!