me: i am listening to that song that white people get wasted to and dance like scottish retards
home for a rest
i dont know why
i think this is a new low for me
i have a zit-type thing on my nose, a blemish that’s not a zit and won’t be cos i already pressed on it a million times and any puss that was going to come out, if at all is now deep inside my brain. i wish i had a tiny band-aid to wear over it cos i think i would look really cute. i’m trying to see how much suck i can bring to this blog can you tell?
i am seeing my friend sandra later today whom i have not seen in years, well three summers ago just when fil and i were somewhat courting each other anyway, i went to mississauga for a raging rock and roll party (not kidding) that my friend scott notoriously throws and i got there before sandra but other highschool chums were there, sobia for one, and she was about to go pick up sandra from the go station and me being the genius that i am said LET ME GET IN THE TRUNK AND I WILL JUMP OUT AND SURPRISE SANDRA.
so i did and we drove through town with me in the trunk and when sobia got to the station she asked sandra to grab her something out of the trunk, popped it and i get out and go BLEEEARGH! and sandra’s eyes went all big, she stepped back with her hand to her heart and i was jumping all around like a scarecrow on meth (i was a little manic at this point in my life) and was all HI SANDRA HI SANDRA HI SANDRA.
i was wearing a fluorescent orange shirt too and sandra was like ALL I SAW WAS THIS BIG ORANGE FLASH JUMP OUT AT ME WTF!?
and a good time was had by all.