two days ago i made a conspiracy theory video of me getting my laundry from the washer downstairs i just KNOW people are fucking with my shit. the super’s wife hates me and hates fil too cos he wore rollerblades in the building and she yelled at him down the hall how he can’t wear them indoors and we didn’t respond and she said OK!? and fil said yes i hear you and then immediately went down to the car and got out the lease and read all the rules and nowhere does it state that you can’t wear rollerblades.
i always dress like a slutty mess when i get the mail and laundry in the hopes she’ll say something to me but i haven’t bumped into her in awhile. do you think i am secretly in love with her or something?
anyway, i have towels drying on the railing right now and we aren’t allowed to have anything hanging out on the balcony so we will probably be evicted because of my towels sorry fil but i am not paying 25 cents to dry four towels that are 3/4 dry already and the only reason they aren’t dry is cos of the power shut-off COINCIDENTALLY the same day my washer was turned off halfway thru its cycle because it was “unbalanced”.
there’s definitely a pretty decent crime novel in the makings here.
woah some chick just buzzed our bell and i almost yelled IF IT’S ABOUT THE TOWELS I AM TAKING THEM DOWN RIGHT NOW.
she was canvasing something or other though and i brought a book when i answered and acted like i was in the middle of curing cancer fuck off.