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more from FORD CAMP team BlogHerCA

what happens at blogher stays at blogher. except for dumb pictures, those come with.

this was my first walk through the convention with sarah and dee, we were beelining the wine booth at dee’s suggestion. way smart just let me slip beneath this pepsi stiletto on my way please it’s very important.

girl dinner crawl. we were a little diva parade.

erica‘s maxi dress is hot. can you guess what i’m wearing before we get to me?

speaking of diva, dee said this wine sucks and she’s the cocktail deeva so she must be right. we agreed that the label is lovely though. snap snap you’ve been blogged.

found the store where your dress came from too. i bought my bettie page shorts there. they almost gave me a discount but the ass. manager wussed out. i said if by chance the manager takes a glance at my blog you might all feel stupid i am already getting floods of emails regarding the shorts. anyway…

sometimes you get so wrapped up in yourself and work you forget to take in the scenery. beautiful architecture, is it colonial? why do i pretend like i know anything about design? it reminds me of full house, which would be san fran.

lena and i’s purses are talking. this is when we all made fun of me again and i got to express how it will all make sense on the internet. also, lena and i had a maje big brother pow wow which continued at the ford picnic too. who else is watching big brother right now?

ammar suggested this restaurant to us ladies, it’s called tabule. last minute he pulled out of the trip as his wife was going to give birth, and she did to a baby girl, congrats!

i really like stink-eye shannon (zchamu) and i’m only sorry i could barely keep my eyes open nearing the end of dinner, plus i was full on risotto (he still hasn’t emailed).

i look like i rolled out of a haystack. so tired. donna’s like yeah that’s not a good look. i love donna DONNA have a great time in europe come back soon.

hi donna! i’m signing up for shesconnected today. amazing network.

pretty mums.

gotcha. hi tenille!

rose took ammar’s stead and what a solid chick she is. that’s lena’s mane to my left and apparently kid rock behind rose haha.

lets mange!

i’m apprehensive to wear this to dinner lest i get taken to a little italian restaurant with a matching table cloth and cheap bottle of chianti with those basket weave bottoms. i’d walk in and out like a turnstile uh, lets go have japanese!

baby back ribs. mmmm.

no idea you tell me.

shrimp on portobello. TO DIE FOR.

duck tacos. one of the tops in my opinion.

more duck. lettuce wraps. lettuce wrapping is a good skinny girl substitution method for carbs.

salmon ceviche.

then i went with the roquefort salad for my main after all that as well as my full risotto tum tum. i was battling nausea (sleep deprivation and boozing, courtesy thereof) and the blue cheese dressing was too much. i stealthily pushed it away with my finger and it was whisked off without much fanfare thankfully. ps. blogher is party central if it’s not clear. fabulous time. fabulous vacay. fabulous networking and learning. not even anywhere finished sharing my coverage of it you know i like to draaag it out. i’m so welsh (sentimental) sometimes. all times.

here’s a shot dee took. it looks like i put my makeup on in a tornado.

i should have got what sarah got. she gave me a shrimp. i have been eating so much seafood lately i hope i don’t jeremy piven.

let the ford camp begin. initiation rites: spray tattoo. i chose the chevrons which mean rafter which means protection. i think.

i don’t know why but i got slightly nervous. they looked at my real tattoos and were like, are you kidding me? hahah.

yeah exactly. this is what is going on.

a little bit of this too.

and that. i am covering my camel toe. i mean, moose knuckle. i mean, what?

we spent awhile at this stall together. i should check out the pro shots that were taken, i have a handful of barcode tickets to make sense of.

okay i got it right after all. chevron is a french word meaning rafter and it signifies protection.

farah got a feather. it represents kinship and can be used in times of battle. i love this!

i said THIS IS THE PMS TABLE. they were like YUP! even gluten free brownies for nerdy sarah. who set herself on fire during last year’s ford camp. they didn’t recognize her though.

hey good lookin’! i’m talking to the car.

down by the bay shots. boring!

sarah talked about japan a lot she must have been there once or something but anyway, no, it was china, but anyway she said girls pose like this there, very dramatic and have billowy fluttering scarves. hope it spreads to the west dude you look f-ing hot!

then her boyfriend called about the plaster falling from their ceiling cos she apparently can do something about it from san diego? i was like yeah, mine told me there was a thunderstorm but it’s all sunny now. thanks phewf, was worried there for a sec. hahaa. then she’s like i like how he can’t live without me. yes it’s cute how useless guys are.

i hate you.

just kidding take me with you.

i was trying to get the sailboat but my olympus is smashed in the lcd and i know that my zooming-in (blindly) skills are terrible, the pelicans that hobo is feeding i just got close-ups of the pier legs. they’re really beautiful pictures though by the way, of pier legs and water and half of an ugly grey pelican head. can you see the dude in the cardboard box makeshift cabana on the bench. resourceful. that sun is fierce. my shoulders are fluorescent brown but anyway don’t you love how the most popular blogger in the city’s blog is held together merely by thumbtacks and glue? shit guy all my electronics are ghetto. my laptop? dust. i use the teacher’s and ba-lee me we fight over it all the time, not pretty. blackberry? the e/2 button conked out in january. camera? we already know, casie was with me the day it happened at starbucks and i SO saw a gleam of glee in her eye even though it was kind of funny cos she was so late for this test study we were both paid to have our brains picked for, they just paid her and she didn’t have to say anything at all. me though? i ripped their idea to shreds limb from limb hahaha. they couldn’t handle the truth. my purse was on the hook of the bathroom door in starbucks, i was sober, it was not a party girl move. the hook was faulty and my purse dropped and i heard a POP but didn’t think anything of it then i took my camera out to take casie’s picture and the screen had this perma-shatter that wouldn’t go away. wahh.

the point of this is do you want to sponsor me for any of the following:




My blog receive 10,000 page views DAILY. Everyone is loving me right meow. I will be your spokesmodel. I have many fabulous events coming up too that i will also be requiring fashions for. One VERY CELEBRITY-RIDDLED event next week in fact. The mayor will be there. I say no more and there will be no hashtags for it either, it’s an oldschool elitist gala. class.

you can be any brand you like i’ll rep you. kids love me. moms. dads. cool people. dorks. freaks. celebs. artists. I got the food market on lock down too.

hark! my babysitter blogger senses are tingling, must not hoola hoop this baby in the head. car! i mean baby! ooh there’s a video of one of my SWF blogger stalkers who’s a mom and she’s hoola hooping and she hits her daughter in the head with it cos she’s so intent on making cuckoo messages to raymi and competing with me than to pay attention to her own child. gross. she’s been harassing and bullying me for over half a decade now too. :(

she was a phenom teacher and we jived right away. i was a little diplomat precocious girl. still am.

sarah was going to profess her love to me over a GT FORD MUSTANG cruise but the line-up was long and time was ticking to meet michelle who was leaving ahead of her back to wherever she lives. i love michelle.

i took this for a spin though. no one wanted anything to do with me. their loss. it almost tipped (barely) just the once. just the once. i needed a counter balance. who knew moms were such wimps eh? hahahah. nah my mom would have gotten in with me.

nacnud i got you one of these hats. he has a mustang too. these hats were made for men to wash the car and mow the lawn, get morning coffee in and the paper.

might have wigged them out cos i screamed out NOW SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME READ THE INSTRUCTIONS OFF THE BRAKE PEDDLE!

THE SUMMER OF RAYMI! SCREAM IT OFF A MOUNTAIN! i should have done that in tbay.

i was trying to kiss ass with the social media dude but erica was hogging him i was like girl you’re already established i need this shit. move! no just kidding. or am i? here i am BEGGING shannon to get in with me. she didn’t. pussy.


dee was catching up with a pal to go surfing with and we thought we were meeting michelle except she was at another hotel and we are stupid. we seriously went in circles all weekend+ long.

ack wrinkle smush face. i put on lots of makeup, that’s my sunblock.

mega quick bettie page shop. so wanted the vintage lingerie but no time. so i need to find some quick before tomorrow. i’m going to make some calls.

goodbye drink with michelle. one by one they dropped like flies. we were bummed. i put it on my room. they were having caesars with the thickest pepper i’ve ever seen. i had a pear martini that got me gonged. i really wanted to check out the intervention party but i didn’t want to buy a ticket. vip hotel services emailed me before i checked in saying they would extend them to me so i was like well, do it then. but no guest list for the party and on principle i didn’t want to buy one. diva right? it was like a mega pool party shit show with a famous dj and i want to puke i’m so mad i didn’t go. sarah and i spent a long time in my fav jewelry store though and after dinner at nobu after she left i drunkenly splurged at the hard rock store. i could have charged that to my room too but that felt like a mega wrong abuse of privilege. only spent $65 and didn’t i mention i was drunk? i made friends with the girl there too and you can see all the other hard rock stores around the world’s camera feed, tokyo some mother lifting up folded tshirts, london, a couple looking through other crap. it was neat. not live though. i bought hailey a necklace and a tshirt i’ll show you later they’re pretty wicked. my nana and papa brought me a hard rock athens shirt back from greece when i was hailey’s age and i thought it was SO COOL one of my top 3 shirts so i want to reinforce tradition. omg i prattle on eh.

fat watch from dinner night. cool order.

smells like team spirit!

blogher big gun the one i said MY DAD HAS A FORD GT MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE to that no one heard except for sarah and thus humiliated me profusely. ok we’re even now dude.

i was trying to make fun of hippies except i can’t even play the bongos. ooh i want to go back to the catskills. leslie…

last night a raymi saved my life.

ok ok you win. then i limboed beneath these billowing ribbons and almost impaled myself flipping over a huge green ball that was placed right at the highest and easiest part of the limbo ribbon which is where I CHOSE of course to begin my stupid charade of used-to-be-flexible and, why not scream out HEY EVERYONE LOOK WATCH ME LIMBO and they turn, to look, and see ALL OF THIS.


your pal raymi.

and now i practise the dance! hoping to see you all tomorrow. i go on at 12.30, but will be there at ten in many fabulous costumes. rsvp and it’s FREE all night just have to make sure your name is on the list INFO@PINKMAFIA.CA otherwise it’s $10 which you can just go ahead and give to me anyway lolz. paddy cakes isn’t dancing cos her foot is broken. from wearing flip flops and walking across the city. take care of your feet dudes!

9 thoughts on “more from FORD CAMP team BlogHerCA

  1. great post Miss Minx! Im not sure if you’ve seen it or know but i have a personal blog :)

    That feather tat is STILL on my arm. I thought they said it washes off? Hogwash!

  2. Utah ugh you’d hate it. You can only drink booze with 3.2% alcohol content MAX…what’s the point? plus that whole state is swarming with Mormons. avoid at all costs!

  3. Hi Raymi! Great meeting you at BlogHer, gah you got me in a photo! :P

    P.S. The “no idea” appetizer, that looked a bit like baby poo, was portobello mushrooms with asparagus and some sort of sauce…not poo…but sauce. And it was delicious. Slurp.

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