that’s ma name bitches.
remind me to make fun of the guy who was sitting beside sarah. SO ANNOYING. sarah spied on all his notes too. he wrote that women were weird and all the information he retained from this panel was pure bullshit. he took his shoes off, did stretches, made a lot of attention-seeking noises it made my skin crawl so bad.
no time for deets now but i learned how to write a kicka$$ proposal. it was kind of a being john malkovich moment, surreal, v in-tune with what i am obviously already doing and it motivated me to be more professional.
and i am glad i was sitting on the floor, it was better for my attention deficit disorder.
these are envirobags ADORABLE!
if i could wrap my arms around it i would have picked it up and i’m saying it cos i’m not sure if it was a dude or a chick, as the teddy bear spokesmodel had a girl voice which i found very endearing and like GO WOMYN you know? also i watched SNL in bed last night and saw a california raisin exactly like this and was like ok time for bed i’m hallucinating real life on tv now.
lisa is the greatest i am really glad we had this opportunity to connect as well as with all the other womens omg i am getting misty eyed. strung out sunday much haha.
marco han’t emailed me yet.
it smells. it smells like i could get a lot of money for it haha. ok gotta run to the jewelry store now so excited. the ford picnic was a blast. tell you all about it later. love you san diego.
Good to hear you are making great new friends
would you marry the swiffer guy or the snack guys?
Learning to be professional is good too.
Did you find waldo yet?
nope but i got you a shazam ring, for me and lois too and earrings. matching. spent $105 got tons of stuff.
Lois is trying to take us to Vegas now but not airfare could be steep
for when? we can’t sit still eh haha.
couple weeks
I’m guessing ADD