i am menstruating. no wonder i hate everyone and thing that so much as looks at me. the weather is not helping either. i am sad that i am almost finished my book i feel like the book is my friend. wow, what a loser. you know what i mean. a good 120 pages are devoted to nothing but large font jargon as is typical coupland-fashion. i remember i use to write dear douglas coupland letters all the time and then someone found me his email address and i wrote to him and he didn’t write back. feh. i wrote crazy nonsense most likely.
dear doug
()A&D&)(*AY jHVMH v nmj m!!! hahaha KULDSAG;iuwage
AND THEN THE CHICKEN lkgit 32y6987787 8811000101
and so on
if i were to write him now it would be more or less the same shit.
dear douglas coupland
you are obsessed with pop culture and spending a lot of money on stuff and then talking about it a lot. me too.
love raymi