we are going to drink cheap champagne tonite and eat japanese food and maybe rent a movie cos me and fil will not be hanging out tomorrow nite and i am moody sick annoying and if i don’t get my way i am very very very ungh i dunno super-annoying like i will ignore you and give you the silent treatment and sigh a lot and when you ask me wat’s wrong i will snap and be like IT SHOULD BE FUCKING OBVIOUS WHY I AM UPSET AND NOW THERE IS ANOTHER REASON WHY I AM UPSET IT IS BECAUSE OF YOU NOT KNOWING WHY I AM UPSET IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK TO BE WITH SOMEONE WHO CAN READ MINDS!?!?!? and when i say you i mean fil.
poor fil.
not like he is losing out on having to drink champagne and eat japanese food and rent a movie with me except he has to hang out with me.
and i get to be sometimes like i have zero patience, i guess it’s payback for when fil answers my question with a question. i screamed in the car OH MY GOD SHUT UP with my hands over my ears like i was 4 cos i can’t stand it anymore i dunno how i tuned it out before.
he’ll come home and casually ask what went on today on the www. and i will be like MY GOD FUCKING LOOK FOR YOURSELF cos i’ll be sitting in the same spot for a million hours and the first person i come into contact with i assault with my shut-in wrath.
no wonder nerds are fucking irritable snobby pieces of shit.
anyway hi fil i love you.
(Kneeling behind a Bradley armoured vehicle) What’s wrong, Raymi?