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Hi raymi, me again!

Thats funny that you get tons of emails when you do the emo posts, i guess
those are the ones that people really relate to. I could really relate to
the shitting to the life aquatic post from the other day. That would be

Today it was cloudy when I went to work, but rainy when I left so I took
somebody from work’s umbrella. (they left it behind) I hope they don’t go
back to look for it. I just had to get that off my conscience. I feel better

I bought your book for christmas and then I gave it to a friend. It was
really good. A sort of ‘the Catcher in the Rye’ for our times. I bet 50
billion ppl have already made that comparison haven’t they? I would tell you
my favourite parts but i would want to have the book in front of me so I
could quote it properly. Or not… i really liked the part where you say
that if you feel shitty in xyz suburb and you think going to xyz city is
going to make it better, you’re wrong cause you’ll just feel the same.
Pretty much true.

Say hi to your cat for me.


ps. Is your cat really big or is that a normal cat size? I’ve never had a
cat. Your cat looks like a cross between a regular cat and a lynx or
something. Its huge. Or maybe that’s just your expert trick photography…

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