Don’t get so RAMDRUNKTIOUS then, have fun but do your body good wtihout it
mom | 01.16.06 – 12:41 pm | #
mom i was making fun of you spell while also making fun of how i act when drunk. did you take that bottle of white wine from dad?
raymi | Homepage | 01.16.06 – 12:46 pm | #
I use those raymi words so that you will understand what Im trying to get across to you. Does it ever work?
I did not take a bottle of white wine from your dad …….not into THIEFING? And, the only white wine that passes my lips is PINOT GRISSO
PssstDo you have my NO DOUBT?CULT?JAN ARDEN? DIDO? CD’s?? A CD THIEF lives in my Honda.
Lastly, Its Nana Kerouac’s 75th surprise brunch iether this sunday or next….A MUST ATTEND no matter what. See you then, with bells on…ox
mom | 01.16.06 – 1:40 pm | #
no i did not take your shitty cds. i hate jann arden. i think the no doubt one was missing a long time ago.
raymi | Homepage | 01.16.06 – 1:45 pm | #
Shitty cds?? whatever !! Jann Arden rules! Going for a run, cYa
mom | 01.16.06 – 2:28 pm | #
she’s a fat crackhead dyke.
raymi | Homepage | 01.16.06 – 2:58 pm | #
ok i don’t hate her i just think she is annoying and boring and music for menopausal suburban women who i picture giving the thumbs up and nodding their heads at her concert. though she is pretty funny. i’m torn.
and yes i know that eventually i will be menopausal however i will not allow that to affect my taste in music.