last nite fil and i played buzztime which is an alternative to NTN. i opened my big trap and said HEY LETS BET STUFF! so i wagered the hat i had purchased less than an hour previous and fil wagered my 20 dollar book store certificate which i said he could have cos i’ve been sir mooch-a-lot the last little while. anyway, i fucking lost BIG-TIME! i didn’t even get to see what i looked like in that hat in the mirror.
so then we played again for our new razor blades but i gave up quick-time when samir called and moaned I NEED TO GET DRUNK so we met him at the bar around the corner and he told us about his snowboarding day with sharpie. sharpie met up with us and we went elsewhere for one more and yes fil was wearing his new fucking hat.
we’re at the bar and i see this dude sitting there with his pal and i said to sharp fil and samir HEY DOESN’T HE LOOK LIKE TOM ARNOLD and he sort of did, everyone agreed so i’m like DARE ME TO GO OVER AND ASK FOR HIS AUTOGRAPH!? everyone said NO but i did it anyway and once i saw the other half of his face i was like EEEEP totally SO NOT tom arnold. i felt very embarassed for myself.
then we discussed how everyone is all politcally correct about saying merrry xmas or happy holidays and i turned into obnoxiouslor and was all WHATEVER THAT’S SO BORING THAT’S LIKE BLOGGING ABOUT CURRENT EVENTS I THINK THAT SHIT IS ALL IN THE COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS BY NOW SHUT UP ALREADY.