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it didn’t fix me

so apparently i AM arrogant and i’m a dumb fake blond paris hilton twat. hilarious.

at least i’ve convinced one person that i am better than them from this fucking emo crisis state on the livingroom floor staring up at the ceiling i’ve never been so fucking low but yeah at the very least my arrogant demeanor is shining through strong and true. fine.

i’ve worked my ass off. i work my ass off. so that i can be lazy as possible for a stretch. i have spent many years cultivating an online persona so to speak and part of that craft is making it appear as though i have an easy life. i have earned my fucking way all on my own steed. through nasty comments and gossip that is constant and endless, i am self made. i didn’t go through the PR 101 revolving door. i learned this all on my own. i am a stubborn piece of shit and i did it all my way so no, i am NOT a dumb fucking fake blond. my hair may be fake but i sure as hell am not.

i’ve been to all your parties and i’ve met all your kind so you really can’t drag any wool over my eyes not saying you were, just, don’t lump me in with all that maybe?

i know exactly what i’m doing here oh my god where did this mission statement voice come from all the sudden. whatever. bad comments rile me up and i use them as content, what else are you supposed to do with that? swallow it on your own? boring as it is, there it is.

being a lone wolf, trying to make it on your own, without anybody holding your hand, you try it on maybe. holding on to a dream and being adamant about it for ten years, give that a go why don’t you before you start pointing fingers.

i don’t care if you think i’m nothing but all about frivolous shit. that’s only the part of my life that you get to see. you don’t know my heart.

i came out here to rest and to lay low i guess. it was part impulsive and necessary. but it didn’t fix me. you can’t expect anything to fix you and you can’t fix yourself it just has to happen on its own.

23 thoughts on “it didn’t fix me

  1. don’t take my “one man wolfpack” tshirt i just got it or i’d give it to you after this post! that’d be pretty funny!

    sorry that someone said something that ate at you. we know you better and we don’t think it’s true, i think you’re one of the smartest people i ever met.

    i hope we helped a little and i hope you get well soon, we’ll be around for ya. have a nice flight, we’ll miss you!

  2. you don’t need to be fixed. (not to diminish the mental shit you’ve been through lately. just sending love.)

  3. It sounds like you are going through a Lonely spell right now and trying to figure out what comes next.
    Even though you are blue, its good that you took a break from it all.
    Just delete negative troll comments, they aren’t worth acknowledging

    If I could give you any advice right now it would be to follow your heart
    not in men, but in life and passions.

  4. what rye said, honestly yeah. and what i always say- fuck them. fuck them in their stupid asses.

    i hope we helped a little mountain air is good for a lot of things, and you’ll get through this shitty time, i know im always the annoying little ray of sunshine with that shit but i believe it you will. we love you raymi! thanks for coming back to visit!

  5. do you think this blog helps with the depression in the long-term or is it kind of a burden? Or both? Is it mainly the nasty comments which make this not really worthwhile sometimes?

  6. You are RAD! And I heart you big time. You’ve inspired me to be myself and not be apologetic about it. So, Thank you!

  7. yeah, but we’re all arrogant one way or another… What’s really fucking arrogant is writing to or telling somebody how they are and how you think they should be. I mean really? Who the fuck gave them the handbook on behaviour. And in the words of Stephanie fucking Tanner, HOW RUDE!

  8. I’ve found in my travels that some people from small towns suffer from ‘small town syndrome’ and feel the need for their bark to be heard. It’s like they get mad at you personally for where you are from which is quite pathetic. We get it peeps, your from a small town… fine you can be cool too, just don’t be a douche about it.

  9. don’t wanna be preachy and give advice or anything, just listen to the ones who know and love you, strangers don’t know shit.

  10. don’t wanna be preachy and give advice or anything, just listen to the ones who know and love you, strangers don’t know shit. you’re great.

  11. One time I got sad. Then I decided to stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story.

    I disagree that you can’t fix yourself. There are lots of strategies for changing damaging thought patterns and becoming a happier person. It’s work though. I recommend the book: The Science of Happiness.

    Love your blog.

  12. I agree with Steph. Do what you do and fuck all the haters – right in their stupid asses.

  13. You rock! And hell, if you’re gonna go with a mission statement, I totally think it should be “I put the F.U. in fun”. Go on doing your thing, your way. Who is anyone to judge or begrudge you that? Hugs from crappy old Maryland.

  14. You, fake? More people should be fake as you, RaymiRobot. You have a tonsorial resemblance to dumb blondes (I love them) and that’s what’s so fuckin cool about it. You like nice shit, who doesn’t? You share the nice shit you like with the world, with your own little spin. That is awesome. I want to dropkick a motherfucker sometimes. GREAT IDEA FOR YOUR NEXT BOOK: TITLE “BLONDE LIKE ME”, Like “Black Like Me”, the white dude pretending to be black years ago but you’re pretending to be a vapid blonde bitch when you’re really…

  15. You’re the diametric opposite of fake, fuck that. Your next book can be called “Blonde Like Me” (Like the “Black Like Me” famous one) however you walk around pretending to be a skinny fake blond bitch. Get not only famous, but rich of these stupid motherfuckers. I just wrote this comment better and longer so if it went thru don’t post this one Raymibot

  16. I’m certain you deserve good things. contentment.
    perhaps it will all present itself when you aren’t actively looking? my mother always used to say stuff like that to me… (now that i think of it, i doubt that will help your case. the things that mothers say.)

    do these losers comment and say bitter shit to you because they like to get a rise out of you? living for mere mention on your blog?

  17. Obviously doing what you’ve been doing has worked so far and gotten where you are and you know it; try and focus on that and not on the bullshit drama.

  18. all you quit hating on the crazy drama. i like it, if i didnt, i’d only hang out with male friends

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