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becawse it is a punchy joose

i have this accent down-pat now. this is from when i first busted it out and it was fun decorating the tree talking like this. words with more than two syllables are choice. like, orn-a-ment for instance. i just decided that “for instance” is going to make its way into as many sentences as possible (that i speak) after everything i say. it will be my new like.

you get a massive headache from laughing and your jaw kills too. bye!

for practice.

20 thoughts on “becawse it is a punchy joose

  1. Haven’t laughed harder at a video in recent memory (maybe yesterday). This one takes the cake.

    Hopin’ your holidaze are full of cheer!!

  2. I had an Aaaaahnold routine too. “As Governor of Califoooooohnia, I prah-mise to work to reduce greenhouse gaaases! I will criss-cross the state and SMASH every greenhouse, hothouse, and t’ings of this nature, until they contain no more gass, hahahaha!”

  3. well, that was highly disspapointing.

    Im sure it was very funny when you were high, but in all honestly, its not that funny.


    everyone who’s sober.

  4. what does disspapointing mean again? you sound like fun! i’m sorry all the other moments wherein i am an exact dead ringer for arnold were not captured for your bitter funky pleasure, sorry to disspapoint you but like, i’m sick and i don’t care how i come across to losers on the internet (you). speaking of, why are you on my blog at 4 in the morning?

  5. HAHAHAH yeah bitch. I also like how she assumes that everyone who thinks it’s funny has to be fucked up. I was completely sober. It was fucking funny.

  6. Then she’d likely just make fun of how he talks, cause she’s a bitch like that. I wonder what she hates about herself to be so horribly mean to everyone else for no reason.

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