this is what isabel had to say
so hi.
apparently living in the us does have its advantages, (who knew?) because i
got your book like 2 days after it shipped. i’m not sure why i bought it
other than to help you out (i think i owe you that, after all the times your
blog has made me laugh) and because i adore your blog even though the
comments scare me and i figured that the emails you get would be even
scarier, but i did, and i’m glad, because it’s adorable and funny and it
made me so happy that i don’t have near the readers you have because i don’t
think that i could handle getting scary emails or loads of ass kissing ones
without either wanting to take my blog down and disappear from the whole
internet forever or end up feeling like i didn’t deserve my own hype. how do
you do it?
i suppose i could have left you a comment telling you i enjoyed your book,
because i don’t make it a habit to email total strangers and i feel
creeptacular doing so, (clearly you are used to it, so that makes it a
little easier).. but i wanted to tell just you, not the world.