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a getaway from the everyday

oakvegas the beautiful.

dudes are so into construction. is there construction porn? or is this basically it?

fil was sad he didn’t have his camera with him. no way man phewf, my attention span window for this dump closed after about ten minutes.

good thing i have learned how to amuse myself.

can we please leave?

oh look, me again.

gorgeous oasis.

spectacular view.

product placement.

PRODUCT PLACEMENT I SAID! have i earned a free case of bud light lime yet or what holy crap do you know how many people we’ve turned so far? tons.

whoops. funny cos it was probably like that all weekend long locked inside.

i stepped on megan fox’s head.


16 thoughts on “a getaway from the everyday

  1. yeah i read somewhere that megan fox once said about fellow actress Olivia Wilde “shes so sexy it makes me want to strangle a mountain ox”. uhhh, okay?!?!

    i think “mountain ox” are actually bison, anyway. two tons of ANGRY isnt something i’d fuck with, personally…

    oooo raymi you get freckles when you tan, eh? so pretty. summer freckles RULE

  2. My dad was totally swayed by the commercials to buy some Bud Light Lime this weekend. People loved it so much he went out to get some more and had to go to two places to find it as the first store had sold out!!

  3. I keep hearing about that beer from a bunch of people lately. Can’t say I’m a Bud fan but I guess I’ll give it a try. It was actually sold out at the liquor store this weekend.

  4. Awesome construction photos. I have a excavator just like that. I would stand on Megan fox’s head any day.

  5. im not a giant fan of bud light
    it’s the worst beer i know
    it needs to be nearly frozen for you to even want it
    or limes in beer, limes just generally hide how old that beer is

    but it looks so refreshing on your blog..

    maybe i should try it..

    maybe i should order kegs of it for planned upcoming events.

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