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it’s a nana thing

three bags for charity ahhhh ps. steph, dad loved the lennon bag.

look what i coloured when i was a little shit kid with too much time on my loner hands i mean in-between macking dudes and takin’ names. i even added my own flowers to that one butterfly in the center cos apparently there just weren’t enough things to colour in/please me/hold my attention?

i have no idea why my camera orders my pictures like this i’m just goin’ with it alright as a gentle fine then fuck you.

i do not recall attaching that beauty and the beast chick but i imagine that i probably did, here have some flare nana maybe i will be an interior designer some day? they tried to give it back to me too wtf?

uh yeah then i went to go sit in the car back in toronto?

hi again still here.

i pretty much still write like this.

i forget the name of this thing but my nana wants to get rid of it (bothers her breathing?) my uncle bought it in a crazy and then left it at nana&papa’s v responsbile there guy. i say have it for lunch today or give it back to a pet store?


ok i think i know what to get you for mother’s day.

maybe a cd player too.

hi papa.

can’t wait til i’m boring and squirly enough to have seasonally-themed house embellishments. can’t you fil!?

nana is a lady, don’t you cross her. i like to get my digs in when i can though.

the painting by fil’s elbow is supposed to be of my nana reading to me when i was a kid (and had blond hair)(except i was a sloppy greasy tomboy turd) and the only granddaughter at the time. yesterday i was helpful in showing nana which possible colours would go nicely in the sitting/dining room i was very business, fil silently smirked, as did my mom. JEALOUS.

i remember when this collection spread like wildfire, everyone knew what to get for christmas and birthday presents.

see? retarded.

yep, i can see myself getting into this queeny-shit pretty easily. i even bought expensive old lady eye bag cream on my saturday shopper’s trip and i wore my hippie clog slippers out in public again yesterday. dudes colour me given up. (only i am allowed to say it though because fil tried it out on me it caused my mouth to open SO incredibly far and my gasp blasted out a window)

haha my ghetto snack creations. prosciutto-wrapped wheat goldfish, kinda pointless like salt on salt explosion. the garlic/rosemary croutons on the other hand, man, deadly.

our empties from the other day (hush it’s from the last month+) and i show you this because it’s a recessessessession right now and normally we just stack ‘em outside for the hobos but then i thought hey guy there’s at least 5 bones here we should start collecting on our bottle deposits. other obvious money-saving ideas can be found at it’s virgin’s new thing-thang (they also have a twitter) sort of a helpful little web-pocket of articles highlighting shit one can do to save a few coins here and there.

click to enlarge

our boy peter is playing hugh’s room april 2nd. lets hold hands together.

19 thoughts on “it’s a nana thing

  1. omg why do old ladies love trinkets so much!
    i like the teapot, kind of, but like if there were 50 of them on the shelf i’d vomit

    also: your grandma has nude paintings of you? !! nice

  2. “So, Lauren–”

    “Nana, I told you: It’s RAYMI now.”

    “Right, Lauren, so anyway–”

    “Nana, can you please call me Raymi?”

    “I changed your shitty diapers enough times that I’ll call you whatever I damn well want to call you.”

    “Okay, Nana…”

    “So as I was saying, Lauren?”

    “Yes Nana?”

    The End.

  3. Love all the photos, do you see yourself having precious trinkets on display in the far future? I think I do. I hope I’m cleaner by then though, heh.

  4. the first photo, is that not a nude painting of you?
    maybe i’m mistaken but i recall seeing it on your blog years ago.

  5. Aw man,did you get that pink flower tea set from Stephanie? I wanted that, but since you actually know her and are friends with her, I guess that’s normal and all. Super cute.

    Just reading that above paragraph, I guess I don’t have to get into my love for teapots and knicknackery.

  6. OH! sorry buula yes it is but that’s at our place, in our kitchen. sorry to confuse. notice the blood on the porcelain figurine by an artist i can’t remember – nana would not be into that either.

  7. I loooooooooove the mushroom. I have a weird sort of obsession with them as decor and accessories and anything in between lol

    My Nana collects tiny shoes like that one. Looks like a nice family visit, Im getting homesick now :o)

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