i ran out of crazy pills today so i have to do something about that tomorrow.
ward just stopped by and he is now bragging about how he figured out a way to increase his caffeine intake by way of putting the coffee grinds to the top of the filter and then only brewing half a cup of coffee – he says it tastes like shit crap but man, what a rush.
ward is now obnoxiously chewing gum into my ear as loud as he possibly can and taking pictures with my camera and talking about how fast he can type emails after all that coffee – but he makes crazy mistakes, so many spelling mistakes.
he said some guy got fired today because he is in asshole and everytime someone asks for help he just makes fun of them.
and now ward is explaining in detail exactly how this guy is an asshole.
ward bought his mum a new vacuum cleaner for christmas and his sister a food processor.
ward just asked me why i even cared because he is just making idle conversation and i said of course i care, i care about a lot of things.
and now i have no idea what he is talking about.
hi ward!