angelo took this over the summer for his photography class in this cute little park just before the sun disappeared and no i am not all that skinny i am totally suckin’ it in ‘cos i was drinking water a lot and eating an orange and one of angelo’s classmates was taking my picture too and making all these pervy comments to hisself and it was fucking hilarious and uncomfortable and flattering all at the same time.
it’s no wonder i was so bored in highschool what with all those windows in my classrooms and me just having to look at them, out them – i guess i am the forever daydreamer, nitedreamer.
i don’t even have an attention span for my attention span.
i’ve been trying to read this kurt vonnegut book since august and now it’s december it’s so damn sketchy i may as well be reading my own blog. fuck.
i can’t stop looking out the window at the street.
being in this coffeespot and watching this nervous old guy wait to come alive for this older woman to join him makes me feel both nervous for him and excited for her because it is friday nite near christmastime and anything is possible for them.
i remember when i lived in maine there was this teacher-type guy having a sandwich/coffee with a hot young student girl in this fancy deli and he was being all important talking/guiding this girl through life or whatever who was a poor student i guess and he was talking all loud and jeff and i were making comments to each other about the stephen king look a like and then when jeff went to the bathroom the teacher went a minute afterward and totally went mental on the door, slamming and banging on it – unable to put two-and-two together that someone might possibly be in there already and that’s why the door is locked.
talk about a complete personality-change.