i’m so tired of music videos with crazy girls jumping on their beds, screaming at the camera, wearing knickers and a tiny-tee.
why are they slacking so hard in the video-concept department?
i just saw a commercial for Great Big Sea – for you americans, Great Big Sea is this band that i’ve known about since i was a younger loudmouth, since the 90’s, and everytime one of their videos would come on when i was laying there upside-down on the couch watching muchmusic i would have to change the channel ‘cos they are so canadian it’s like RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH i KNOW YOU ARE CANADIAN, STOP SINGING ON ROCKS NEAR A LAKE WITH A CABIN AND CUT YOUR STUPID HAIR TOO and then i am watching montel williams and forget i was trying to rock out to awesome day-time music videos because of Great big Sea.
anyway, i guess for Great Big Sea’s new video, yawn, because they are old and farty and boring and their music still sounds like tree branches and your mother making porridge someone said, yo Great Big Sea, let’s have a crazy hot girl jumping around on a bed! and Great Big Sea went, TOTALLY!
look assholes, granted, every other girl you talk to in canada is cute and bored mental because she is a product of her environment, and the only thing bored cute girls know to do to not go crazy is rock out in their bedrooms pretending they are joan jett tho’ this doesn’t mean you have to stick it in every friggin’ music video and cut to clips of your fat-ass playing a keyboard singing to a cow.
everytime i turn on the tv i turn into the opinionator and have to pace around the room until my laptop fires up and i can write down everything i think about the thing i saw on tv that turned me into the opinionator but it comes out in RAAHAHH rAHHHHHHHHH form and i throw a few pictures in there and hope that all four of you get what i am going RAHHHH RAH about.
and ps if you are a fan of great big sea don’t get me wrong, i am proud of any canadian who has made it and continues to try to make it some more but, come on! Great Big Sea, more like, Gay Big Sea.
ok that was an obvious cheapo immature insult.