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oh the mighty knick knack

here’s part two party animals!

so much wintry beauty how is one supposed to pose amongst it? anyway enough of that.

newp, not open.

yeah thanks i’ll just suck on an icicle or two, dicks.

so overwhelming what the hell to buy, all the xmas shit was 50% off, ugh couldn’t settle on one tiny thing not even a piece of tinsel.


love it.

v drawn to the vintage decorations.

a teenage boy said to fil hey you were dragged in here too? and then followed him around everywhere a little too closely. fil said it was something to do at least. aw. the poor guy was there with his mom, he was very intrigued by me snapping pictures and fil’s i dunno, height? manliness? the fact that we were in there period. the scene at the little coffeehouse next door was pretty funny when we busted through the door, they had a couch and everything, covered in small town nerds, their eyes practically buggered straight out of their heads. they had no salty snacks so we didn’t get anything.

so many mirrors, my one weakness aside from knee socks, booze, uh, grey cardigans, snappy comebacks….

you can see fil’s reflection in that mirror.

i had a nice faux fur blanket like this once until all my scumbag friends spilled booze and put their cigarettes out on it. sick.

do you think these would qualify as christmas ornaments cos i think fil’s mom would like them for her dining room.

mental illness bowl. i’m sorry but i hate sunflowers, this girl in elementary school ruined them for me. thanks 1990’s.

i like that tablecloth.

oh god i want a cinnabon right now.

the one thing we bought from that store was a packet of gourmet cheese/onion dip mix. it was super good. you mix it with a cup of mayo and a cup of sour cream (light i chose)(you can sub in plain yogurt as well) and that’s one reason why i felt like a cow for the rest of the nite.

reason two, pulled pork and ahmahfuckingawd it was the best THE BEST.

tod loves turbo, turbo loves tod, tod confuses turbo with ollie, when turbo refuses to get down he scrambles back on up and tod says no ollie no. so funny.

kind of want to go back in time and eat it all over.

cute set-up.

this concludes part two, thanks for watchin’ and as expected here is your postly reminder to CAST ANOTHER VOTE for raymi, the site is getting slammed with traffic so it might not load on the first click, be patient, just refresh and try again, i greatly appreciate it.

your humble diarrheaist, raymi.

9 thoughts on “oh the mighty knick knack

  1. Urgh, I have tried voting for you today from all three of the computers in my house and the fing poll wont load. I’ll keep trying, just for you. xo

  2. i voted for you again

    Yes, looks like you were at Belfountain. And that quaint country store has closed down.
    Can you go back and buy papa that cement duck?

    And, I heard your brother and dad have started reading your blog, fodder for gossiping.


  3. i just found out you can put plain yogurt on anything as a sub for sour cream / mayo.

    i put plain yogurt on my steamed broccoli last night with some salt and pepper. it made my roommate gag at the thought.

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