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shaking the beast

um, these stacked chairs were hilarious to me at the time i have ten pictures of them, not as funny now, i think i was being EXISTENTIAL.


just can’t get over them.

nug! awesome host!

i am sad my name wasn’t chosen, i didn’t even have adrenaline butterflies cos i was so tired, maybe next time. i wrote on my ballot that my nickname was rinky ren (is) favourite colour is red, hobbies are picking my nose and secretly eating it, tantric sleep and candle making. also yeti or bigfoot, fil told me to put sasquatch cos they’re all the same thing. SMRT.

i was dressed like dennis the menace and sass was dressed like this, she gave me one of her hoodies to wear in case i went on stage i was just not feelin’ comfortable, don’t wear stripes when you’re bloated.

then natalie came over for a nightcap so cid could hump attack her fur hat.

i didn’t know it was under there i just thought he was smelling the scent of her dogs off her boots.

i hung around my dad’s for band nite, this is a rare dvd called let it be, footage of whatever the fuck it’s all the same by now right? good luck finding a copy.

merkley???: what do you call two cowboys peeing on each other?

me: what

merkley???: brokeback fountain
i made that up
dont forget to tip your waitress

me: very good
i remembered your txt u sent yourself not too long ago the other nite when i was sitting in the car
how the term white supremacist is redundant
too bad that one cant be shared

merkley???: i have been quoted a few times on the internet with that one
one was a harvard professor quoting me
which is scary

me: yikes
any flack for it?

merkley???: no, its not a supremacist statement
you are taking it wrong
it’s actually anti white supremacist in a way

me: um there is only one way to take it

merkley???: whites already have power
no need to seek it further

me: yeah but people get their backs up a bit when you state that

merkley???: white people

me: non-white people as well
i just see it as an arrogant statement
but it’s funny that you texted it to yourself

merkley???: yeah well you are very pc

me: pfffft

merkley???: yeah i texted that brokeback fountain joke to myself last night too

me: whites get angry about it cos they are afraid of the repercussions

merkley???: otherwise i would have forgotten it

me: can i blog this anyway

merkley???: i only talk to you to get blogged

me: hahahahha yeah who doesn’t

The 2008 Weblog Awards
click to vote for me please thank you

me: its up

merkley???: i’m so excited to read it again
so fun to relive the recent past
me: ha
you are the opposite of obnoxious

merkley???: you kinda misquoted me in your memory — the quote was “my main problem with the term “white power” is my distaste for redundancy”
white POWER not supremacy — big difference

me: oh whoops
well, power is more offensive i think

merkley???: yeah but like it or not, whites have power — supremacy is another qualitative subject.

me: zzzzz

merkley???: anyay tack that last bit with my actual quote onto the end

me: fine

5 thoughts on “shaking the beast

  1. i texted “i love your expression” to myself on new years so i’d remember to say it to my bf later in the night. text went thru while he was using my phone and totally busted me. i was like aw that text is for me. from me. about you.

    hahahha “i love your expression” god, don’t puke.

  2. i love love love the third photo down of you! smile more – it makes you prettier. (i daresay beautiful.)

    ps. did i mention this is the former helmüt? hai. :)

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