Ice world

I took MANY pictures of this so forgive me if I slightly duplicate-post one (or two).
And, there it is again more closer up. Was trying to get the ice off the rocks which is hard to do if you know anything about photography, back-lit, back-lit, nein nein nein.
And from above. We went for a nice walk the next day much further down the beach and those icicles were next-level which will be my next blog post WHICH will occur much sooner than the expanse of time between the last one and I am not even gonna promise that you can just wait and see it MFs.

Some ding dong, I bet he is Russian. He decided to Polar Bear dip himself in these subzero temps waters. I mean, my hands were badly frigid when I had my mitts off so I can only imagine what Scuba Steve was feeling in there and luckily he was wearing a wet suit replete with the… head part. It was ridiculous. People were concerned and I think he actually made the news the day before because people were so freaked out by it. Like they say cold showers are good for your system, this bro took it to a whole new level.
I’d do it for a cool grand and even then have reservations but this guy is living his best winter life for free. Someone came upon us on the shore and said oh is your friend coming around there? We could see his wavelengths ripples appearing I said no not our friend but what a LUNATIC!
bf got a sheet of ice from one of the rocks we were going to do an IG boomerang of him smashing it but it all crumbled in his hands and fell between the rocks before we could film it hahaha. It was nice to see people copying us as we left, smashing ice and rocks on the ice. Forever young.
We walked on some of this ice beneath the bridge and I obvi got spooked out and abandoned the idea. Love me some hometown graffiti always.
One post at a time but this one just gets me jazzed about the next one I’m gonna do. Can you believe at the height of my blog fame I would post 3 times daily and then make time for discourse in the comments it was like THE place to be.
Try and walk over that.

and the man of the hour… like why not just walk to shore? is the difficulty degree the point of it all? What are you training for?

Just brilliant. Kudos. Anyone not understanding how cold it is in Canada right now and particularly last week it’s kind of a Polar Vortex so the absurdity of getting in this water right now for a wee cheeky swim is is majorly high.

This is James Bond-level shit.

More ice tra-la-la.
We have the same view from our balcony just a little further down a ways. View-splaining.
I am tellin’ ya mate this was a cold time. We did a hike with our friend earlier in the day and were on our way home but decided to do a quickie look-see because you can only stay inside so much. The answer is snow pants or double pants if you’re gonna get thru winter. I hate the cold. HATE IT.

Someone adorable is a smooth glass collector-placer in these parts I found many piles of glass set-up the water is constantly flowing and smoothing over the garbage glass people chuck about and nature does its work and someone makes a class statement about it. Use what you’ve got eh.
One more picture snap for the road.

and one more pic of me with a pink hair filter on for fun.
Plus a dramatic picture of my Nana who just turned 90. Bless her.

xo your pal raymi
The water there is still liquid? You guys are amateurs! haha Happy birthday to Nana.
Love you xoxo