insert blog title

Good LORD it has been awhile, “sorry” and you don’t care either way yo hello what is up? I guess we’ll do some sort of wrap-up catch-up now then.
It’s a gorgeous one out there today gonna fire this off super quick then hit the town. It’s going to be even hotter on the weekend. Righteous!
Sweet deal around the corner from us going on right now def grabbing again before it expires for good. It’s nice to take a night off from cooking too. Starting to make the same crap all the time it gets tiring too.
The party light came out Halloween night super trippy fun dance party playing lots of records.
This was THE scariest thing ever he jumps out at you all these amazing terrifying installations I’m talking PRO-level my GOD you must check it out next year these people are nuts like a whole row of them compete with their crazy scary houses it was bananas. Tarantulas on censors jump out at you oh man I hit the roof hahaha.

Made the randomest of costumes it came together alright we were hanging in our friend’s backyard and the temperature legit dropped and we had run out of firewood too these are thermal pants but started to get chilled to the bone which is why today’s hot weather is super interesting!
Got burritos crushed them by the lake on another cold as hell night windy spooky too cold to hang around too long though we try.
That wind off the lake bruh boy she strong from here on out I am going to just tell you the temperature of each picture.
Cute bunneh.
oh noes the feets ahh I die. Mike said you could pretty much just touch it so I was like okay but then the bunny definitely did NOT want that haha nice try.
Love it. All that sparkly Christmas extra-ness yessssssssuh.
Like obviously someone needs this in their house.

This is me blinking in Christmas land.
So many people messaged me about this place asking where it is what it is I am like bro can you handle it it’s Christmas old lady heaven in there plus farm animals AND a restaurant supermarket.
Omg I love this no shame or irony whatsoever.
*faints*. I think it’s the collector side to a person, the desire to possess trinkets and what-not.
I picked these up a little while ago they’re dead now am thinking of what I want next flowers cheer and class a place up, no?
Distorted because had to zoom in to capture all the lights-action. A phone upgrade would resolve this issue.
This one is my fav. The owner came out cos we were all milling around the property she said we scared her it was funny but I was also like well your front lawn is a horror show people gonna flock. Speaking of horror show, how bout that election hey? Yikes.
Dave Chappelle and Letterman. SO GOOD.

That’s Barfy. We love him quite possibly her, I dunno I get boy vibes but he reckless so maybe then he’s a woman? Lol who knows. He’s been MIA the last couple visits so I hope all is good.
So fab.
Okay cashing out my chips now I bid you adieu we’ll meet again soon have a good one xo!
Thanks for the update, *Insert Vomment here*
terrific update. I hope Barfy is okay. Thanks Raymes
such a cute lil bunny!!
obvi u meant me and not that other cute bunny
I love browsing through stores with cool collectibles, antiques and knick knacks but then people are like sir this is an old folks home, you can’t just take people’s stuff
Whatta gonna ya do?