Stop. Pancake time.

Once upon a time not too very long ago we played paddy-paddy-pancake with Caneggs Protein Pancake Mix for my bloggo here. Here is how it went!
This is all you need. Plus water. Or milk. Even chocolate milk. Or almond milk, whatever floats yer boat any liquid at all really. We added banana, strawberries, peanut butter m&m’s, and chocolate chips. These pancakes are so delicious and healthy it really is a power food and so easy to make because the eggs are inside the powder mix all ready to go. The less steps needed and mess, the happier we’ll be.

My beloved instagram bf and assistant, ain’t he cute. We only bickered for half the time haha mwah <3. Also that shirt tho... I have an inappropriate joke about it if you stretched your mind you could surmise what it be.

kk for measurement do equal parts liquid to your caneggs pancake mix. We did half water plus half milk (for the health and fluffiness factor).

The package looks like this.

and it looks like so in a measuring cup #mindblowing.

we started out mixing by hand then realised that wasn’t gonna work so got the hand-mixer out which you’ll want in order to get out the lumps in your batter but if you don’t have one that’s fine, you’ll get some nice muscle-tonage of your pipes instead.

Pancake one is a go. The second weekend we made pancakes for bf’s son with chocolate chips we learned that you don’t even need butter to grease the (non-stick) pan and it will turn out PERFECTLY and yes there is picture proof of that so keep going.

Who is to even know when you add your strawberries or blueberries exactly? I just wing it and pop them in when it feels right.

Like so.

Then the next conundrum, when to flip’er?

She ain’t pretty she just looks that wayyyyy. Name that jam.

You can tell it’s healthy because it has that rubbery texture quality to it. This mix ain’t just flour and garbage nahm sayin’?
Banananananana time. This one was so good to go ripe bro.
I love photographing food I dunno if you could tell or…
Peanut butter (m&m’s) and banana go together like peas and carrots and I am a genius.
oooh squad it got the crispy burn on it dawg.

Then you plate them and feel like a Martha Stewart except her instagram food photo skills are not that hot so I have heard and seen. I basically know every useless fact that there is to know.
Not bad for a first crack at it.

bf puts peanut butter on everything and has a rapid metabolism it’s not fair, he will eat cookies with peanut butter on them for breakfast before we even make breakfast then eat that too.

This is when the bickering magic happens he says my beauty is not important I say yes it is because people are hyper-critical of you online, it is about the product and how you showcase it. If I am happy in how I look then I am more passionate about the post. While I do commend him and he is actually quite right, I am too. Who would want to look at a blog post with me as a hot sweaty angry stressed-out mess? Nobody. Do I want to get roasted eternally? Am I hyper-critical of myself from years of being criticized um duhh.

Normally when I do us breakfast I haven’t done my hair or makeup yet and look like a Gargoyle so it was annoying to have to do that for y’all so if we’re gonna photograph it then we’re gonna get it cute THE FIRST TIME.

I am also dieting like an m’f’er so showing my belly is, brave. See in my face just trying to get through this hahaha.

Gonna be doing a cookbook too so hopefully I will have a six-pack of abs and be shredded by then. I’m actually going to use my magic bullet for the first time after this post and smoothie it up.

Here is what that perfect pancake looks like I told you about previously. No butter, no fuss. We got this pan from fortinos fyi. We went halves on it hahaha.
You can make waffles with caneggs too.
That’s all for now peace it’s smoothie time!
I was hoping to come up with a STACK of pancake jokes but my efforts fell FLAT. Oh well, it was a great blog post and the food looked delish. I’m sure this will help those Caneggs products sell like HOTCAKES. I hope this vomment wasn’t too SYRUPPY.
xoxo Hugs from out west.