you will like this one
Hello hello, happy Monday. Hot ‘nough for ya? I apologize in advance for every thing that I am going to say based on sleep deprivation. It was torture trying to get proper sleep last night, so humid. We are still w/o A/C by choice but as each passing heatwaved day goes by it seems to be like, not, a good? choice.
We have been rocking a few fans and it was working great blowing all the hot air all around haha no but we closed the window last night and the bedroom turned into a sauna so I was up early on the couch where turns out I am too tall for so can’t really sleep properly there.
However, we are blessed there are far more suffering out there this is entitlement-complaining, gross, just sharing why I feel behind today.
One particular by-product bonus of weekday life is, in the wee morning hours on Paramount there is a Bar Rescue marathon and I am wholly-inspired by John Taffer’s stripping down, peg after peg, of business owner’s royal establishment fuck-ups en masse. He watches them on secret-camera from the oarking lot in a van then he goes THAT’S ITTT when he’s had enough and storms inna the place guns-a-blazing. It’s the best tv best bestie best and it’s a vehicle insight into America, State after another like everything you could imagine about the place plays out through seedy custies, beer-guzzling shot-takin’ bartenders (look I am a feminist so don’t even try me about this) okay I am sure they are fine people they just ratchet as hell and are drunken-stupor unprofessional trainwrecks wasting their boss’ money away and then you come to find out that these bar owner idiots are like $300,000 to over a million dollars in debt meanwhile their employee wastecases are living the life of Riley at their IN DEBT expense, right before their casting a blind-eye to it all noses. You get to see it all including sloppy bitches asses getting handed to them courtesy of John Taffer bless his heart. My friends and I discuss this show and scream when we watch it, I actually howl and laughter-scream. The other side of the coin is that John Taffer is a compassionate man too and the show has that feel-goodism aspect to it and you will cry because these people become so grateful and then “they learn” and hug and yadda-yadda.
Anyway, I find it comforting to see the trainwreck part of it as it’s just so extreme. It’s sad and grotesque seeing people in financial ruin played out on tv. I think we all find it all to be comforting (while disgusting) like how many things we get to bear witness to online every day the 24/7 news hour cycle rotation truly never stops. There is one atrocity after another, another Karen story after another like can you women just stop? Why so unhinged right now?
These types have always existed but thanks to the beautiful digital era that we live in THEY SEEM TO BE EVERYWHERE NOW. So I am thinking, why are they like this? Not all women implode like this surely, but this about to erupt at any moment breed is so truly heinous right now, and rampant. Is it the heat?? Why do none of them learn to just mind their own fucking business and leave innocent POC alone? I, like John Taffer, am a hot head and if ever saw a Karen going-off oh you balieeeeeeeeve me I ain’t havin’ none of that.
I cannot stand bullies. I always defended kids in school when I saw the cool kid getting too confident and picking on the little guys you see, I got a big mouth and I know how to wield it. I think everyone should be like that you always need to be ready and willing to get in someone’s corner if they’re at a disadvantage, when people say flex your privilege no fuck that it’s called being compassionate. Being human. But yes that is a weapon too.
And everybody is pissed off right now. We have all “had enough” of the police, Trump, being lied to and fucked over, Covid, pandemic blues, fear of the future, the state of the economy and its future-effects I am not saying enjoy the ride but if you’re going through Hell just keep going a la Winston Churchill.
Know your blessings and stop being a Karen. Get it together.
Well, moving on now and I regret saying none of that.
The sunset blaring through this part in the clouds was epic. Saw a gen z’er taking a pic and it made me happy bout that.

twas a hot day we went to see friends in st catharines I wanted to flex some fashion instead of my regular uniform although everything I wear makes me hot so I prefer a string bikini tiny tank look I think I was meant to be a nudist I don’t get how people can wear clothes and not want to die every second for me it is bothersome and I don’t mean sexy kind of nude just like oh my god I can’t stand this the clothes have got to go kind. Then you just sit around sweating like hippie commune styles, well we may as well tend the garden hey?

Oh Georgie <3.

I can’t with this one. Too adorable.
Haven’t done a patio in however long it’s a marvel and a money saver but this was a nice treat.
So delicious. Inhaled. That’s a banh mi pork sandwich, excellent. Will order 3 to share next time. The pad thai was great too.

Bye Georgie, smooshy lil muppet I miss you already. We had a great time oh and turns out you are not impervious to sangria hangovers, all that sugar, ouch. Alas was a fine time so no harm no foul.
But alas again have run out of steam and have other things to do this was great will be back again tomorrow with more, ok doke bye for now xo raymi.
You know what? I like this one! With love from the house of harmless and fine.
There is nothing greater than that episode of Bar Rescue is sitting beside the owner for an interview and says, “she’s the biggest slut I know!”
ahhh memories pure class