l’enfant terrible

Bonjour everyone who sort of gives a shit. Today’s blog post will include many images I have clogged up my phone with the intention of one day blogging. My phone is now dead asf but as fate would have it I emailed myself a flood the day prior so I at least have these. I am not exactly depressed about all the other stuff I’ve lost from the device, it can be freeing, but moreso I’m depressed about losing my contacts (headache) and being unable to connect with my loved ones and all of my friends. A phone is more than a phone, end of story.

It was fine Sunday night, but when I woke up yesterday it was sending me the same text message in a loop all day then it would turn off every 5 seconds before I could say hi to anyone or thing on that thing. Enraging AF. In a couple of days a replacement phone will arrive but I had to do a lot to make that happen and doing a lot is not one of my favourite past times. Someone also played a cruel trick on me during this ordeal which made my layers of rage and hell out of this world. When it Raymes it pours, bruv and no I will not look back on this experience one day and laugh about it. I will be equally as pissed then as I am now.

I remember this outfit garnering a lot of looks on my journey through the streets. Sometimes when you put together an outfit that hyper-works you feel like a caricature. Wait til you see what I wear tonight at Swan Dive!

Spent a week in July in PEI. Was awesome. Ate so much fresh lobster and drank great wine. As a Canadian, I feel it is a duty to visit as many provinces as possible in your lifetime and maybe save the boring ones for last. Everytime I hashtag #PEI on twitter it automatically gets retweeted by some Prince Edward Island bot account, love it.
If you’re a Raymi superfan then you’ll know this image isn’t redundant exactly. The other one I posted over the summer is of me jumping in the air like an idiot. We were hung asf then checked-out and drove to the coast. Over the course of our one night in Charlottetown, we hit every hipster bar there was and found all the things I needed to find. Reminded me of a night in Ottawa, it’s not a huge city so you can make your moves to see all the right spots in a night. You can’t do that in Toronto unless you have a time machine.
The post I had in the pan for a night at The Spoke Club is kaput now as I have lost all those images except for this. It’s hard to be organized as someone in the creative sector when I am the only employee I have. My job is at night, these events, so when I’m recovering the next day there is no one to get on board and just do it for me. When I was younger I was able to get out many blog posts in a day. My life is fuller now I think is why, I do “too much” and am satiated for the most part so I don’t see the need to blog it right away desperately so. I should be though because when I do, traffic goes up, more clients, etc etc etc.

So many awesome things happen from this blog and when they do they are great motivators to keep doing it. It was a trip to meet Ollya and her husband was just like what is going on here I was like, I am her hero I know you can’t tell by looking at me sorry hahah. She was posing with me in a line-up of chicks and I asked my friend, who is she to remind me how I knew her because I didn’t want to look rude and he (mistakenly) said we met her on Halloween. Wrong. She has read my blog for ten years, knows peers of mine and when we started turning up in each other’s pictures she was like you know Raymi?? She didn’t know I’d be turning up to Shanny’s party last Thursday. AND. All these other women were majorly nice to me and praising it really lifted me up. I really fucking hate mean girls so, when everyone gets along it’s like a high. Meeting people who love my blog and hearing it has gotten them through some rough times makes me go FUCK YEAH.

This summer I didn’t beach as much as I’d have liked to. There were hot girls in bikinis all around us hating the fact we were taking pictures. Oh get over it this isn’t about you.

On way to a lunch meeting I’m checking out if my disaster of a hangover is noticeable LOL. My boobs look big here cos I’m wearing a bikini top, no magic to it actually.

Don’t think I ever posted this. Forget where I wore this ding dong outfit probably just to metro. Sometimes it takes time and space to be comfortable posting the silly pics I take.

What a day this was. I’m bummed to lose the loads of pics on my phone I never got around to blogging. Boat owner was at party other night and I am invited back on the boat if I bring girls in bikinis with me. Guys and their jib bunnies..I don’t write the rules I just play by ‘em. I always seem to have leg bruises. I am tall and my thighs graze the bed frame here or a counter, table. Tall girl problems.

Managed to save this. It was a paid shoot but I didn’t receive nearly enough of the photos we took together which makes me curious as all hell. Let me know if you find them floating around on some overseas pr0n site jeez.
Nip shot! From same day as shoot. I get as slender as I can but different lingerie pieces can make your body look blobbier. Meh.
Me and all my friends. ha. Actually four girls were watching and heckling me so I party-monstered them into feeling really bad about themselves for bullying me and then we all posed together and became party besties. Wonder if they still read my blog ahah.

My first time in Detroit. Ahh, Detroit. Where to begin lol.
As crazy as 2015 was all around, and by cray I mean amazing. It has been eye-opening as an artist. It’s not hard to just DO THINGS. Have an idea, then fucking do it. Then do it again and better. What does this all mean? It’s got to mean something. I’m a special breed and some people discovered me, shon a bit of light on me. Don’t ever listen to your haters. They hate you cos they ain’t you. It’s such a waste of time and unhealthy. They mean nothing to me. Look at my enriched life don’t I look busy being a ding dong? Happily so.

I get to see this all the time. It’s like my power wall. Good memories. Even when it’s overcast the paint is bright blue and glowing. Detroit has it going on again. You’ve seen these before but for some reason I sent them to myself for this post so enjoy them again!

TIFF party.

Another film fest party. This summer was bananaanannaas. We dashed out to the car at one point and on this adorb street I jumped into this walkway for a photo.

Hmm gauging by this pose and face I am probs about 70% licked by this point. When we bounced from the party we drove to the country in the night and I was wrapped in a blanket containment bundle in the front seat because I did not want to do this trip just before going to Detroit but we did it anyway.

For some reason there was a Bill Cosby one up on the wall too.
I got about 3 glasses of champagne out of that chick.

My hair looks like a total wig here. This was an excellent night.

Shorts weather. Sigh.

My wardrobe for a tv series I am in that will be airing this month. I have a lot of scenes and I snort (pretend) drugs. Can’t wait.
That’s all for now. Come see me at Swan Dive tonight 1631 Dundas St I’ll be there 9-FOREVER xoxo.
good one, ding dong
The summer memories are making me jealous. Need to see hot chicks in bikinis more. And more laughter.
“I party-monstered them into feeling really bad about themselves”
What a great tactic.
Raymi that sucks about the phone and ignore the hate, it’s pointless. Killer smile and photos like the big blue wall are so appealing! Party pics and stories yes please
I don’t get the haters, such a waste of time. Pink blazer big thumbs up, same for the blue wall and Swan Dive