just watch the show
As promised here’s some more from the bubble of Detroit. All shots by destroyxbeauty.
You know, I looked around and I didn’t see or hear any gun shots. or Eminem. It was all pretty bright and peachy there. In the past two years gentrification had its way with the Motor City. Yes, I do know things about stuff so put your socks back on after they just got blown off there.
Follow this link bro and read all about this mural cos I ain’t got time to talk about it.
People were honking. Watching Lizzy shoot Reggie shoot me felt pretty awesome. It was boiling though. Sweltering. I love that humidity only in that when it’s gone it’s gone for long. As unbearable as it is I love it. Even while my makeup is trying to separate from my face I am chuckling and like ooooh you dirty rascal, you got me. The weather blows today of course.
I’m the mayor meow guys. The princess of white castle WHICH we didn’t get around to go to but I meant it when I said it. tsk.
sorry for the segue but I just discovered this Ciara song I coulda been grooving to all summer.
Yass kween.
I was all like, just take me now cars. I’m a badass like that. Then I ran like hell out of there cos I didn’t want to die. Reggie said I was a wimp. I like my perfect shadow here.
Ps. that’s Lizzy on Labour Day. I tried to copy her but couldn’t cling on to the branch and put my head upside down like her without falling on my head so she totally wins this picture.
Pro shot! I am hitchhiking here ah duhhhhhhhhhh.
Channeling coolest fucking person in the universe here.
Oh yeah take that inner arm scoop line and this abandoned pawn shop too.

I’m going back pretty soon too. Why not right? Bath time excellent more tales from the big D in another installment, enjoy your Saturdaze.
Mangily yours, xox