heatwave to me
Hey buddy! Things in July usually get crazy don’t they. Sweeps sweeps. Blog sweeps. Everyone is outdoors and bloggers, websites, want you indoors on the internet so we jam it with “more” or “other” content. Do you know what rich content is? Do you know that I know what it is? Do you think that I think that this is rich content? Did you know that I can do thinky stuff too?
Well anyway, after school we hit the pool. It has been bloody hot in Toronto bro. I was having hot flashes.
I speak all over the place online about my comings and goings and don’t actually formally address it here first. I feel like this should be my corkboard from now on. I am not trying to make blogs happen, just mine. But anyway I spoke at Humber yesterday about my time working at an ad agency to much rapt attention because that’s all the kids want to know is how to get hired at an agency.

Then I took their final exam along with them (internet marketing class) and there was a lot I didn’t know (forgot) so I googled as much as I could (cheated) before I grew tired of it, answered some from knowledge/memory and then just gave up completely because it was fifteen pages and I wanted to cruise buzzfeed instead. Why does school make you so hungry btw?
Sticking chip in now to get more pics from class.
Leah did my hair years ago! It only dawned on her as my sassiness came out and she was brought back to me in her chair saying god knows what.
Don’t ever photograph me while I am speaking. It will just not work out, sorry.
I use my entire body when I teach so ya.
Instead of prattling on and on I tried quizzing them periodically throughout my talk. One question I posed was regarding how to sell a product as healthy when it might not particularly “be” that healthy, what verbage do you use to instill a feeling of…vitality, refreshment (that one is huge). Anyway if you ever want a consultant, speaker, editor, wordsmith, help with emails let me know I’m actually qualified.
I am easy for the dinosaurs to digest the information I offer by using outdated technological props. Like a pen, for instance.
And by God if you ever have doubts on a formal document send it to me to proofread/rewrite before hitting send elsewhere. My rate varies from reasonable to exorbitant.
Good times guys.
As mentioned previously, I was feat. in Digital Journal yesterday. Will talk about that later. Back soon with another blog post! I went shopping yesterday too so a fun post is en route xoxo.
Congrats on the lecture, although I think I already said that on FB.
That bottom picture confused me… I thought you were watching a picture of a grapefruit on TV, while balancing a tomato in your navel. Always pushing the envelope, Raymi!
Pingback: SMOJoe Teaches Internet Marketing, MRKT 251 at Humber College | SMOJoe
You look confident and engaging with your audience. I sense it all went over well. Also it’s good you added what services you can offer as in editing/managing with much experience to work from in quite a few areas. That’s quite amazing. I didn’t have any assumptions prior as my intuition knew there was more areas of knowledge you have. Being versatile looks like it does well for your endeavours. Good photos. You could multi-task, but I feel you’d prefer to be well prepared and take one task at a time. By staying active as swimming for example you create a happier balance in your life. Many people that are self employed seem to have hard time staying organized but you are consistent in your lifestyle balance I feel, Thanks for sharing this fine blog.
~ Vesa Peltonen H.B.F.A. B.Ed
Vesa you’re my new fav vommenter. Looking fwd to discussing soon. re: staying organized, I WISH.