ghost of the east coast
Hello fellers. Here be the rest of my PEI uploads. I wanted to post some new stuff but I left my camera cord at home for some dumb reason.
Two back-to-back trips and a backlog of work to catch up on has made my head spin where to begin.
The night before PEI. I was super worried about getting fat. I imbibed. I got fat. But now I’m all svelte like it never even happened so no harm no foul.
My flight look. I didn’t want to look too party. I feel like it was an Alicia Silverstone Aerosmith video homage.
Honestly the time just flew by. I was worried I’d feel trapped there too long but it was the perfect amount of time all and all.
Moncton. Didn’t happen if you didn’t take a pic.
Confederation bridge. It just goes and goes and goes. It’s an island afterall.
This is the first Prime Minister of Canada Sir John A Macdonald. Americans have a guy like him too, first name Ronald ooh roasted.
After dinner gearing up for a night on the town.
This was funny. We were sloshed. Had a wicked dance party at fishbones. Go there if you go to Charlottetown. We stayed at the fanciest hotel too obvi.
Love period people. Confederation festival.
It was overcast the day prior. We were hung as hell/sleep-deprived can you tell?
Spectac greasy burgs. Gravy was hangover necessary.
Great little sanctuary. I got zero writing done. The slow wifi turned me into an animal. Divine intervention.
Singer in this band obviously gravitated right toward me.
A stewardess snappd at me on the flight home so she was my secret enemy the entire time. I iced her out hard. We had upgraded seats basically first class and she was still a f___ing c__t! Oh well. Then at the end we were friends when I let her take my garbage.

We ate like kings. Trevor is a foodie snot like me. He’s WORSE.
I love scallops.
He had surf ‘n turf.
I had the tenderloin.
Where’s Raymbo interlude.
One last Scooter burger baby!
Travel fashion homeward bound. A security scanner gent really loved my shirt.
Was home three hours then off again to the country.
Totally gotta jet though now. Check me tonight at Sfizio pizza bar for a ladies mixer. xoxo
The food looks delicious, as do you
Glad you had a great time!
Woohoo! I’m actually a direct descendant of John A MacDonald. My favorite story ever is when he showed up in the House of Commons drunk and threw up in a trashcan, and then said “I vomit not because of drink, but because I’m forced to listen to the rantings of my honorable opponent.” Someday I wanna be that much of a badass!
shoes to fill bro!