Mo Raymbo mo problems

Hi dummies. This is my new postcard after all that posing and sassing around yesterday in my bedroom. I guess I give good floor. I’m off to do some pre-show prepping meow. I wanted to blog more pics as usual but I’ll save that for tonight instead. I am dating myself now I guess. You are kind of dating everyone when you’re single actually. The manpile doth grow but I have no time for it but it’s great promo I will say again and then never again because soon tinder will be cluttered with ads and shit.
Shoes from Holland I never wear.

There’s a lot of goodies on my camera too. I just want to wallpaper a post with all of them and be done with it.
Remind me to wear a hat today btw and to buy toothpaste and bananas.
Isn’t this blog just the funnest.
We have a problem with these bottoms. I am too fit for them. Might do something today about that. Either eat a lobster steak dinner OR just buy a smaller pair.

And if all else fails there’s always a 1-900 phone sex career right around the corner thanks to my mom’s nightie.

Once I am done being a wrestle model girl, of course.
G2G Peace.
A camera full of wonders you say? Fascinating!
always have backup and extras