Sad rock songs
Greetings Wednesday whiners.
And hi again!
Off to the races… okay enough lead-ins.
Here’s the rest of the best of the worst from Niagara Falls.
Pretty decent accomodations. Holla Embassy Suites.
How I arrived.

It was a long drive. jk my new passport photo.
Falls what Falls? Oh those Falls!
Sorry for the overlap don’t have time/care to fix it looks neat enjoy!
And now the instagram blast.
White shorts after labour day. They’re bulky on me now.
I guess this post features some from somewhere else as well.
At least I dress like a survivalist. My foot is fucked from this day, a lot of running/walking. My body is paying off for it however but not my right foot. Will be picking up a new pair of kicks soon.
Loving life in the sun on this patio. People watching, being watched. Lots of oddballs.
And souvenir shopping.
Has a Wizard of Oz feel.
The bear is smiling. I have that effect.
Sometimes you just gotta girl it up.
This woman said let me take your beaver thinking she was funny and I ruined everything by saying it’s a hedgehog. I am fun like that.
Love it. Also I should dig up my Katy Perry pics (on the right) from last summer. Keep it fresh Wax Museum just saying!
Watching three hot chicks get plastered on the patio then degenerate into drama and doing shots with strangers at Ruby Tuesdays I’d say was a summer highlight for sure. This is how I order drinks, “How disgusting is your margarita and am I going to have acid reflux?”
When I hopped a hedgerow of flowers to pose by all those other flowers and shit I saw this bird’s nest, the filters do not do it justice I blew it there so stay tuned for a better look soon. Anyway, how can birds not be intelligent or is it random? Some birds beautify their nests to impress female mates. Love it. Players only love you when they’re playing.
Wonder when and what circus I’ll run away to.
I found my new favourite angle and as soon as I put my princess bed together again you will see more of it. Writers need to sit up and lament a lot in bed I need my backboard plus my room will be decked out so sweet for pics with my huge rainforest mural. Game changing. You’re welcome I love you too.
Too bad I had to crop this. The winner’s circle all got a pre-copy don’t worry. I loved this little toilet closet and wallpaper so stately and perfect for secret busines calls.
I tracked this car slowly as it went the stretch of the falls and had Gatsby fantasies.
Blown wide open.
Jay Brown saw my photo of this on facebook and said he was headlinging Yuk Yuk’s and I said already got tickets bro! He called me out during his set and I felt special until the heat of a thousand stares burned a hole into me ahaha.
No shortage of rainbows.
Look how teeny everyone looks bottom left. This is from the 18th floor.
Red hair is red and that is that, til next time.
Gorgeous! So pretty!
Your outfit game is super tight in this post, particularly the surplus of amazing jumpsuits.
Hope you had the best summer ever! xo
Raymi the fox
Glad to see you’re still enjoying summer up there. My in-laws in Canmore had snow already.
I love your orange shorts! Been meaning to tell you that for quite a while!
Haha, I like the booty pic disguised as a hotel pic (or vice-versa?). Only you can pull this off without it seeming gratuitous.