Hi Sloppy McNasties. No wait, that’s me. Well hi anyway how about that. That’s me from this morning with the help of some instagram filtration to bump up the red. My hair is pretty red though. It has its moments.
I took this last night as I was passing out like a champ. Waking up to all my internet garbage daily I must say truly is icing on the cake of my fantastic voyage of a life. My head is so far up my own ass right now I am this close to justifying posting nudes again, I mean, I have the body for it after working so long for it. I don’t find my nudes sexual I’m just lacking all sense of boundaries is all no big deal!
I am sore from running hard yesterday. That heat, that sun. I had sand stuck to my legs from running by the beach and on the beach. Wearing hawaiian tropic oil will do that to you. Sometimes I am such a sweaty greasy beast Ill catch a glimpse in a reflection of something and feel sheepish. Like, wrestler-level sweaty. A redneck at ribfest said YEAH I LOVE SWEATY GIRLS to me when I went for a run through it and I started squeegeeing off my sweaty body immediately. Like come on people I am running here in the sun what do you expect? You’re invading my space with your fair just deal.
Here i am as a hot mess from earlier in the week. Found my coonskin hat.
Enjoying summer patio.
Me at 26.
At 25.
Me being emo eating sushi.
My safari wife look.
In honour of JLaw I posted my butt crack.
Holding in my gut from all the food I just ate I am never doing that again.
Maleficent nails. My hands are more tanned than this in actuality just saying.

Halloween wish list. All I have to do basically is buy the headpiece.
Oh townie life.
Basically a big bowl of hot sauce. Had a dip too. Don’t ask! Please remind me I’m on a salad diet.
Someone called me fat the other day. They hadn’t seen my blog or me since I was a bonerack blonde so I wasn’t too pissed but still I was pretty pissed. He said something had changed but liked my body now that I had gained weight. Meanwhile I have been obsessively chiseling my body and running 6km daily sometimes more. If Pushed to comment on the shape or proportions of my bod I’d say I’m pin-up curvy fit. Somebody else called me a hard body. Someone else called me fat. You cannot please everyone.
Wes Anderson moments in time now. I gotta wrap this up super soon though.
School vs cool. I loved this juxtaposition plus school wasn’t in session just yet but soooo close. Makes me sad. Everything makes me sad lol.
My mother’s legendary quote about corn growing and summer ending makes me sad.
Driving in cars makes me sad. Sad for moments before they’re over and as they’re happening. Being in a constant state of mourning. I need to write teenage emo lit fur sure.
It’s because I feel like I didn’t do anything this summer. And the things that I do I cannot begin to tell you. trust me I’d love to. I feel like I have two lives, both hiding from the other.

I wore as much white as I could prior to labour day ending. This guy the other night said he almost wore white pants and in my head I was like thank god he didn’t ugh but meanwhile I am allowed to dress like the ice cream man.
I love this shop.
As misanthropic as I am it has been a grand summer.

Gotta go ttyl. Follow me on instagram for what Raymi the Minxing I’m up to today ya dweebs xo rlw!!!
THIS. I feel this: “And the things that I do I cannot begin to tell you. trust me I’d love to. I feel like I have two lives, both hiding from the other.”
& I love your photos. You look fantastic, Raymi.
“…I am this close to justifying posting nudes again…”
Hope this gets you a bit closer.
If you have the body and nothing else stopping you from posting them, post away. don’t hide it, feeeeeel freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee lol
always enjoy reading your work, even if there are ‘bare’ly any nudes, you’re gorgeous in every pic you take, I don’t know how you do it, but keep at it my-little-Raymbo!
I also want to say I wish I had your tweetability. You say so much in so few words! Like a great lyricist!