when you desire a liar
Here comes part two. Never ever do a part two if you can help it because you have no idea what is going on, where you left off, which picture you blogged. Social Media killed my blog.
Lets give it up together for sandal weather.
Work bestie said I looked like a super model here. She is prettier than me, so I will take that but inside my head I was like OH YEAH? Then stared at it infinity times more.
Fourth time in Louisiana, first time crawfish boil. Boil is the name of the stuff you season these guys with and it’s also what you do to them so not to be a copywriter or anything but wouldn’t that make it crawfish boil squared? I told my Dad how they pronounce Burgundy and Esplanade and said they will punch you in the nose if you correct them so deal. He laughed. We are correctors so it’s like a warning.
Had a mighty good time though, always do. I stayed a day longer and thus was able to do this and man, the weekend was big I am continually impressed with myself. Wow that’s awful show boaty for a Canadian! Don’t worry Ontario I was a great ambassador to yas.
Oh right, remember when I was writing like a novel in my last post. I’ll stop phoning this in.
Last day brunch pants. I did not at all stick out.
Hey mister! I like that pink thing sticking out of your window.
Heeeere we are now. This is the second bar that we caught up to. But three maybe four bars deep. No idea. A bunny on a push cart bike dickee dee type thing would take us on to the next one and the next one. So many great costumes, things, people, great time. They do it twice a year also so you are welcome. It’s called Bunnarchy.
Like I said, great people. I recognized her from the pictures of last year’s bunnarchy. I did not fangirl that much. I mean, I played it relatively cool.
But yeah definitely some parts of the night were insane for sure ahah.
Sad. Bunny lost its tail.
Look at sassy fur coat over there. She wins.
Damn. Supes cute.
We all have fur is the reason for this one and look at my Cory Kennedy pose pshh.
Remember I told you about Yuki!?! It was across the street from one of the bunnarchy stops so we hung out there instead. Fun times. Sigh.
Things are way more dramatic when you are a rabbit.
This picture is actually amazing, Jesus it is great. CHRIST don’t get me started. It’s the street right out front of Yuki.
Even NASA was there. Yes we landed on the moon.
Then it turned into Burning Man.
I likey. Leave to the professionals though.
Could not resist.
I am wearing my Aruba lifeguard shorts under this and I think we established I didn’t care a long time ago.
It was rabbit fur. I am a comedian don’t forget.
Now that is one epic hug.
Stamp it on errythang you know I love that shit.
They were out of corpse reviver. We made do.
Hi I miss you already. Send me some greased lightning please! I had greasy spoon when I got back and it was totally not the same. Everyone was like what did I eat while there. Um, breakfast. Twice. There was also lamb at the crawfish boil with salted lemons!!!!
This is where I stayed this time.
MJ was blasting on the speakers obviously. TFW stands for Toxic flood water and this is in the Music Village. Tour buses go through it often. I bet you guys didn’t know I knew things about stuff!
How early is too early? This.
Alright the next round is on me an then I will give New Orleans a rest for awhile.
“Things are way more dramatic when you are a rabbit.” Gospel.
Looks like a great party, and breakfast at the end!
You continue to amaze and impress, with all the fun you have on these wild adventures of yours!
I totally think I knew you know tons of things about stuff!!! That’s what makes the Raymiblog de—–LISH
glad to see this, it makes me happy 
Oh Anne <3