my weekend
It’s a Nana thing continues…
Every year we do Nana’s tree, you do it once and she’s all, again please. SO it’s a thing. You can’t back out. I was ass tired on Saturday but I soldiered up, put on a collared shirt and headed over. Now that I’m a superstar with a proper job plus other cousins were over I could duck out the odd while to have a tree decorating beer/champers breather. It was a delightful dysfunctional family thing-thang of a day. The Kerouac are very expressive people, never a dull moment.

These will be in Craymi order of events, as I pillaged my mom’s FB pictures after the fact of uploading my own snaps from the day/kend. Went out to eat after the tree because everyone ate the perogies Nana made while I was talking to Papa about those special deep topics one shares with their grandfather because you never know how much longer they have left, as effectively stated and repeated by my mother and Nana for the last decade. I needed to go out for real food after all that champagne. Plus drink more.
Oh boy what a drama (that’s what we say in Holland) and while trying not to get too personal about it, my grandfolks are at that age. Mom and I both received private number missed calls, my sound was on silent and she didn’t answer hers but it was Nana from hospital. We went with my Uncle and we were all kind of crazy about it, in disbelief, scared, nervous, stressed and chugging along. We look to the adventure aspect side to things to self-preserve and we knew it wasn’t “the moment” but it still gave us a scare that is for sure. Emotional roller coaster weekend.
Well at least you look fabulous mom.
Life is precious, blabbity blah. I have wanted to spend more time with my Nana and Papa for awhile now, I have not seen my own friends in the city in awhile either, since a long while and as each weekend slips away from me for this, to do that, I am reminded that it is family that will always come first. Friday I was a disaster and exhausted Saturday for it. Sometimes I fee like I am 45 years old so when my younger cousin exclaimed she thought I was 22 I loved her. They have no concept of time, there is no possible way I could be 22.
Also, whether I like it or not my mom is always taking photos so if I look like sh!t I’m f’d.
If I gave myself the nickname “Nana” with these glasses on to my family it would spread so I have never said that out loud before now.
My mom got that for her, it is similar to a photo of my nana and her sister as little girls. You know that eerie haunting way of photography from long ago.
Aerobics dance break sorry!!! Kind of a spazz basket case from today. TBC…
Another year, Another tree decorated
time slips by but it was a nice time in the moment
In fact I did shed a tear when I saw my parents waving goodbye at the door
I know and they know
time is fleeting
And although they are my parents, they remind me more of grandparents, fragile, vulnerable,
the tomorrows are no longer promised
and it tears me up inside, more than I ever thought it could
this night didn’t end the way we thought
Praying for a better ending.
Happy Holidays Raymi!