not what it is but that it is
Hi everyone. First let me preface this by blaming everything on you in some capacity that is somewhat feasible to fall for, then I will say I wanted to leave the muchos important post below room to breathe before I started in about my stupid self again. It’s my ex’s Brother-in-law if you must know *bombshell* like thee ex, yes, that one. Although there’s like several of them (shrug) it’s the only one that matters as far as I’m concerned. As much as I enjoy lurking a couple of ‘em on twitter just to see how much I can repulse the shit out of myself, they were really nothing to me in hindsight.
Anyway a FT job kinda saps you of your blogging mojo now I get all the fuss over people whining about me being such a good blogger cos I didn’t have a 9-5, yeah whatever I am still exceptionally interesting, talented, funny and good looking though so there’s really no excuse other than the infrequency of blog posts and me-time that I’d rather spend geeking out online because I am one of those needs to be alone types to wind down. Trust me there’s a line up for my dance card and it’s flattering but I get the sense that some people are beginning to get T-O’d with my no-shows. Like sorry I’m a hermit on the best of days.
The last thing I want to do on my day off is get on a train to Toronto, and walk. Or think. I want to be a babbly mess in a blanky pretty much. Man I’m crabby, just go with it. This is me as a crazy person in Chapters at some point on the weekend. Then two old chicks sat down beside/behind me and talked. I lasted all of twenty minutes before I passive aggressively sighed and left to sit by the kid’s train toys thing where more loudness and playing happened right in front of me but then I was like dammit I’m here committing to this Mexican chair loud ladies talking stand-off that they didn’t even notice was going on. Old me would have blasted them away with something snippy, but new me is cool, calm and collected and thinks about the know-it-all fugly troll inner-monologue of judgement and disdain for your hero. It’s a book store. Basically a library, so why are you chewing the fat in the only designated reading section you lazy self-entitled gas bag cows?
Red 2 is a little too campy but still super good. It’s hard to enjoy movies sometimes when you’re too busy deconstructing every goddamn element like a Scorsese dickhead or something but I just can’t help having an analytical mind that 1. catches everything and 2. is always right about those things. For example how they always play dopey music whenever Mary-Louise Parker is doing something, “acting” I mean. This is to show us that it’s quirky and, it’s safe. No offense to her she is pleasing to look at and the make-up was cosmetic, lighting great and I’m sorry she died in Fried Green Tomatoes I really am but her schtick is tired and painful at times. But I championed her rival comeuppance/alongside Catherine Zeta-Jones.
Oh yeah, on Thursday it’s my blog’s fourteen year anniversary. I will definitely blog that day. I don’t know why but it’s like blog law to blog on your blog birthday. Next year will be 15 years omfg so I guess I have to so something incredible for that milestone I’m thinking something artistic like get Banksy with it. Who the hell even knows what a year from now will even look like. Our shoes will be flying with exhaust pipes on the side.

Yeah I dunno. Yolo.
I threw half of this out, it got cold and I wasn’t feeling it anyway. Tomorrow I have frozen swedish meatballs THRILLHOUSE!!!!
On birthdays they do a solid and get food, throw a party whatevs so we had Mexican. I had a chicken rice bowl. It was awesome. Hence why I have swedish meatballs on lock down tomorrow. If this blog post is too intense for yo I will understand if you stop reading right now. Bye.
Same day (as the top photo of me) moments apart in window light. Selfie pro-tip I mean, I do not at all look this pretty IRL in real life I look like Ja’mie, yes a dude in drag (with pretty eyes) I am cool with it. Or Lady Gaga, we both have the big nose fucked up face that is somehow attractive thing going on that I have mastered the art of appearing to be good looking for fourteen years and that my friends is why I should win the lifetime achievement award so I can just move on and get full-fat already holy geez good grief.
There’s a bottle of vodky in there somewhere YOLO.
Oh yeah baby what’s my name. This is a stupid license plate yeah go ahead haters track them down and tell them I said that not like everyone else in Ontario hasn’t already said the same thing. When was that a good idea? Never gonna regret that one? It’s almost as stupid as tattooing MINX on your arm I mean, what an idiot.
Do you think you’ll be remembered or go down in infamy and even if you go down in infamy will they still remember you?
Fourteen years eh.. I remember it just like it was yesterday, starting this thing knowing it would make me famous and all I would have to do is minx the fuck out of people with my writing and my emo face and wild nonsense. AKA be myself.

Should I be MORE successful to date? Heck yeah. Should I have made more effort? Oh yes. The blogging industry has imploded in on itself. I know that I am the real article, originator… you know all bloggers have to kiss each other’s asses and they all despise one another, cut each other’s grass and only appear when one or the other is “doing better” to get the spill-over then go on to brag about themselves. Rise above that shit, be above branding. The moment we started talking about ourselves as brands it was all fucking down hill from there, we got greedy real quick and sold out. Everyone knows sell-outs die out.

I’m happy to still be an old school blogger, a purist. An idiot talking about what I ate and who annoyed me in suburbia that day. I don’t know what the next chapter will be but I know it’s not the final chapter yet. GONG omg emotions. Thanks for sticking with me all this time folks, you/it means the world to me. xo Raymi The Minx <3 Goodnight.
I’m happy to still be an old school blogger, a purist. An idiot talking about what I ate and who annoyed me in suburbia that day. I don’t know what the next chapter will be but I know it’s not the final chapter yet. GONG omg emotions. Thanks for sticking with me all this time folks, you/it means the world to me. xo Raymi The Minx <3 Goodnight
Nice end
You never sold out and now you have a great job and the respect of many
RE: “Rise above that shit, be above branding. The moment we started talking about ourselves as brands it was all fucking down hill from there, we got greedy real quick and sold out. Everyone knows sell-outs die out.”
If that wasn’t more than 140 characters, I’d tweet the shit out of that right now. I agree that it all went out of control when the “become your own brand” thing came into play. It’s one thing to be yourself, who you are, an icon even. It’s another thing to brand yourself. It sounds so sell out. I’ve seen countless musings in the blogging world about the quality of posts going down when people go the branding route. I think there’s a difference between being someone who has made a name for themselves and someone who has turned into a crappy product.
I’m looking forward to reading tomorrow’s blog. I may even have a slice of cake while reading it to celebrate your 14 years. Thank you for your years of commitment, a rarity worth praising.
14 years awwwwriiiiiiiiiiiite. And better than ever! Smooch.
So true. I can’t handle most bloggers today. People aren’t real, everything has to be pinterest worthy and it’s BORING. Congrats on blogging for 14 years!