too busy to be interesting
Hi friends, real or imagined. On the way to work selfinator. I take them for my bf but who am I kidding, I am taking them for you and by extension, me. I am sorry I am full of crap all the time but I just can’t help it.

There’s a selfie influx lately cos I have to look good daily and my motto has always been if it looks good then shoot it. Baha.

That’s the money shot though. If I could just look like a hot corporate Geena Davis like always, life would be good.
Serious business now. How to be Emo in twenty seconds.
I should have taken a picture of the discarded pod casing pile massacre, I eat like a frigging idiot.
Sent one of these dumb ones to bf and he said my hair is getting really long now. Yassssssssssssssss.
I love waffle thermal shirts. I wear this one inside out or the proper way dependent upon how I am feeling. You can take the girl out of the grunge but you can’t take the grunge out of the girl.
I have one of these bottle stashed in every pace I could possibly need it lol.
I had cheese and mango for lunch part one. I’m beginning to forget things I bring and leave in the fridge then my stomach will growl and it’s like wait a minute…!
I better get my movies back tonight. When people lend out your shit w/o your permission it’s like, at what point did that seem like a good idea to you?????
I think people identify with Wes Anderson because he touches on everything ultra mega fantastically nostalgically kitschy and hipster, reuses the same actors whom to which we also identify and so he has “a thing” in fact he has many. And we want in on it. Like come on, Bill Murray? If your thing could be Bill Murray wouldn’t you call it a fucking day too?
This one was meant for my frame but I printed it too big so I put the special place Holland park bench photo in instead. Someone asked if I photoshopped it cos it’s so green. Nopesters!
Shrimp Diane is my jam. BRB #maybe.
V-Spot 4 in particular was the feelings for me. It’s like Life of Pi in 5 minutes, bawling. Well played Google India. <3
That thermal is boob shirt USA. Thermals always make boobs look good I’ve learned. Love it.
Great set of photos!
The beaarded guy wiht the red hat in the magazine looks like my father in law.