Hustlin’ muscle.
Hi you. Just reminding you that I’m up for a lifetime achievement award for this blogging racket I’ve been doing for 14 years now, talking about my life experience. Couple years ago my thing to go about it was an abundant amount of cell phone selfies and other random things, usually nachos and booze and cats. Welp you’re in luck! It’s Raymi retrospective all month long, why not ‘cept these pics are recent awooohhhheeeewoo.
And they’re nonsensical too, this is the morning after Halloween right? It’s hard to tell time and days apart sometimes.
My brain just hit the wall I need to peace out pass out very soon. These are Koritos/nachos, kind of good kind of gross but a lighter version of tortilla nachos, wonton style blaaaaah.
Flock of Seagulls work out hair.
I have to go wrestle up my free weights. That’s final. Tomorrow I am lifting those little buggers like a psycho to ma tunes.
I began my workout with hair down like a diva and big hoop earrings because I had to compensate for how tired and fugly I felt and how out of shape I was but I kept up like a sinch no issue.
Baha yeah. Sorry my socks are on the floor. I whipped them off in the night or after changing pants I don’t know why are you hassling me, normally I am more tidy though since I donated (threw out) like everything, it’s so better to be less clutter-minded once yout get rid of things you never use or wear and you’e just left with the awesome. Like Hooters socks on the floor. Legit ones.
Rocky is my assistant. He misses bf, he’s more clingy with me now. I’ve always been a cat pied piper though so whatevs.
These are pics that I actually took for bf, I take a lot of stupid pictures so I guess you’re welcome for sharing.
See you’s Monday. Nighty night.
Congrats on the lifetime achievement nod.
Them felines be tearing up the minxy dance floor. Go-go tabby coffee table.
Thx Rob! Cats urrywhere
The ginger cat in the second pic, looks like he’s doing Yoga.