specified coolness
Ready Shreddies? Wednesday night hit up Fashion on Yonge with Darren cos his gf was in the fashion show + face of the campaign omgz hell yeah we’re down for that. Plus red carpet contest so I put together a ridinkulous outfit to try and get noticed. I made the right choice cos the second we got there I was swarmed by cameras. I should make Craymi effort more often. ps. that’s how red my hair is for real no filters or anything, it seems to appear differently in each photo that’s taken of it. After I posted the one of me on the couch the other day and then another where it was less red y’all were like WTF. It’s nice that people super care though?
That’s Niki. She’s blowin’ up right now.
She’s my girlfriend I swear. Ha yeah right.
There she is on the right working it.
And here we are, also working it. Fashion show support can be hard work too if you have attention deficit disorder. Luckily it was a standing-up thing. With food and the occasional hobo passing through.
This camera makes photostalking pictures look like high-art. Her bag killed.
There’s our girl.
I like the random in-between pose shots best.
Best eyelashes ever.
Between shows mom and dad had a little R&R. Luckily our buddy was working at this pub too, score and then all the models and show people went there for the after party. It was supposed to be at the Hard Rock which honestly sold me most of all to go to this thing but that ended up being a boring buzzkill bust and the models didn’t want to leave the cozy pub sanctuary (who would?) so it was just us three losers trying to get through our pints asaplease to get back over to the pub. Called it, we should have just gone there first. From now on my bf gets NO SAY in my city. He doesn’t know city “things” “ways” or people over that of my own extensive T.O. 411. Stamped it.
My bangs at mo are still in a flock of seagulls format. I told her to do whatever she wanted and she said she loved when people say that. I saw a woman getting a sick blow-out and I was like that’s it I’m tired of my flat hair. AT first I was turned down, they were doing models only. Then she came over to me and was like do you work here (I tend to carry an air of importance with me I guess) I Said no but I’m a blogger and blabbity blah. Then when I was in the chair another guy was like ok we need to get you up on stage NOW cos he thought I was a model. I guess I should have been a model, even Darren’s gf was like you should and still can. Just let me lose 20lbs first.
I’m not even really wearing any makeup either. I wear so much less than I used to. You only figure that out when you get older I suppose. The stylist asked if the height worked for me, at first this Janelle Monae thing was ten times higher and I burst into nervous laughter. BF and Darren watching from across the way were like oh f–k Raymi ahahhaa. It worked with my outfit huge time though, this chick had a sound vision and there is only so much you can do with my hair I think in a small amount of time so I wasn’t worried. But then for the rest of the night I was stared at like cray and was like WTF? Oh right I look like a peacock I forgot.
I love Mercato and their bathrooms.
When you do a shot by yourself it doesn’t matter how thick or thin you are and if you have a unique look even better yet. Something to consider.
Cool pose Darren.
Yesterday we um, went for a walk to get hangover food.
Had our hearts broken at the pet store.
That same pic from before but cropped up.
Work in progress.
Omg I hope I win.
Thanks for the fun Fashion on Yonge. Oh and ps. I’m up for some Canadian Weblog Awards again. LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT + LIFE. I hope I win. It will be my 14th year of blogging in November. That’s insane. DO you know anyone who has blogged as long as me? Me either.

Have a great weekend!
That cat shirt is really making the rounds, and it is totally the best! Also, that puppyyyyyyyyyy!!!
p.s. I would kill for your hair! The red is ravishing on you, but any color that you choose looks amazing!
This shirt’s going to need a serious Time out now fur sure.
What’s wrong with my pose?
Always a good time with Raymi the Minx
Alright, best pose ever.
Yyyyyyes big hair! Love it. MORE MORE MORE!