Backity back
I’m back. Exhausted so bye again now lol. This weekend was eye-opening for many reasons it was great to get the fuck away but I am glad to be back. Catch you up on all that jazz later I took a babillion pictures. The Raymventure will be continued later on. Happy Fam day Canada and Prez day for the States now here’s some pics. Bye.
New York is awesome.
That cow has manbits
Nice to see you had a good time.
Honesty, fuck ny. Scum Living in a death trap.
Maybe in the fifties it was “cool” but it’s just poop now.
Just an opinion but you know what they say about those.
ken dude that’s not the way it is. “chill”
I am chilling and its still a death trap.
I’ll take the woods and the french Quarter any day of the week.
Love it there too/agree.
Most indubitably. Let’s just agree to agree.
Now let’s talk about that love thing…
yeah and?:)
Love and belief are dangerous weapons.
U shouldn’t play with them in crowded places.
The woods is nice.
dude i got mad good weed right meow too lol whaaaat?
Who says it’s good weed?
My apologies. Didn’t realize we were talking about the government.
No love there. For show!
Only the gov of stupid