When I get my hair did I make sure to take loads of pictures of it because I never know next when I’ll be pretty again.
That’s not duck face, it’s concave face from “being skinny” and 29 years old. Wait, I’m probably sucking it in a bit but maybe not.
Who cares really taking pictures of yourself is silly.
NOT. We are back to ruling now.
Oh, this? You want to see me play? Sure I have time for a song.
Just gotta tune it first.
Party in the back.
It’s hard to fake play the mini rickenbacker and take pix of yourself at the same time.
This one gets to be bigger because I am further away.
This one too cos I am being saucy. How much do I belong in an 80’s music video? I wonder when I can tell you the superstar mega-band’s name of the music video I WILL be starring in. I haven’t worn this shirt out on the town yet, I haven’t gone anywhere I think people could “handle” it by yet nahmean?
I’ll go back to tinier. People say my blog loads slowly cos of all the images on it SORRY. This is the kind of blog you make time for, let it load, go make a snack then come back for a read get it? I mean it’s cold outside and will be for the next several months there is nothing you can do about that you should probably get back in to the habit of reading this thing and I will try to be better at blogging and dispersing the juicy bits kay? Good. Great. I am glad we had this talk I feel much better now. After this post I will blog my Playboy article then my night out dranking with Tracey and LoLo. We were dance party bar stars Saturday night LOL it was so much fun. THEN I will blog my 150+ Toronto Ski Show pics. Man what a weekend it was still spilling in to today and tonight Raymbecca are going for tacos. She just came home btw she says hi (no she doesn’t, but will).
Back to big again I think artistically my stupid face looks better bigger.
This was the night a girl on a date at the pub said she couldn’t keep her eyes off me from across the room and that I looked like Zooey Deschanel. I was like hey that’s okay. Gave her my card then she and her date looked up my blog while I danced the night away live in front of them then when I said bye she was like we were just looking at your entire blog. Decent.
She should probably apologize to you guys though cos I’m never not going to tell that story multiple times until forever now. Hi again if you’re reading now! My mom made two cute groupie gf’s too it was so funny so fun fun fun.
And now I’m a hot slob mess awwright. Meet my new shirt. I talked my way into getting this shirt at the Ski show I could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman wearing white gloves. It’s by Middle Clothing and rules, very soft material. Bros be mad jealz.
It’s boy sized for when I feel like being a boy. Okay we’re done here. Have an excellent night.
pix downloading fine, and everyone is as they say these days, “GAWGUSS”, wish I was at the Ski show, at least I’ll get to see what I missed when you post the pix (not the same, but as good as it’ll get for me). DRS ==> still waiting for the bday girl!
…oh, and love the 80’s fashion, I’d almost forgotten how “to the max” it was.
That definitely wasn’t duck face, it was obviously Blue Steel, but not quite Magnum.
Is this the “adorable mess” I heard of on Twitter? I believe I was right in my response to it.
Yes all that and more!
who took out the threads?
My hair is still in. Raymbecca will take it out for me tonight.
Just one correction: taking pictures of yourself is AWESOME! I hope someday your hair grows long long long again. It’s a good look for ya.
that’s the plan. I have to eat eggs cos they contain magical hair growing properties that no other food does.