Pick me some winners

As you know the Toronto Ski, Snowboard & Travel Show will be gracing our fine city next weekend at The Better Living Centre – Exhibition place and it is a perfect opportunity to snag some great discounted snowboard, ski, anything gear because Canada’s largest Ski & Board swap will also be taking place. For Schedule/hours click this link. TSS&TS takes place October 11-14 boasting many things to take in over the weekend while you shop for snowpants. Zach Bussey will be live-podcasting Friday 6PM I believe so be sure to catch him with Meg, ever entertaining!
We’ve also got Daniel of @evolvesnowcamps on deck lending a snow campy vibe for us beginners and likewise the Girls of Summer ski-bootin’ around the Exhibition. I can’t wait. I will be judging the Jib Jam competition on Sunday. I like power, we all know this.

So far I’ve given away 5 pairs of tickets to the following keeners because their zest for winter sport is well-deserved. I have a few pairs left, hint hint, you know what to do. #TorontoSkiShow is the event hashtag, use it well and often, stalk to us there! Stalk to me at the event and see what silly outfit I am wearing. I will have to do some serious glamping homework.
Happy Birthday Papa! You’re a stylish pleasant man I love you. See you at T-Giving dinner tonight :).
So french and groovy widow’s peak. Good hair jeans.

Oh hi mom.
Tracey the Minx will be on the TSS&TS scene too with Lois. Fun times.
That is my uncle. Skiing at night in jeans. I remember every winter he’d do this a lot and take whoever with him, whoever was game at midnight or 2 in the morning. #FamilyRules.
Mom I want to come next time.
What is that an In Living Colour hat? I can tell it’s just reflected weirdly from the flash.
Okay peace. Congratulations.
@misscmissc its my 2nd year learning to snowboard, I need lady gear, not my boyfriends! show me how to be a hill bunny xo #TorontoSkiShow

Congratulations winners! Email me for ticket collection info and ps. The RBC race will be hindering/re-routing traffic during the show down around the CNE/Ex grounds so be prepared for that and react/drive/run/walk accordingly. Here is what it looked like last year. Pumped.
I’ve sent you mine
I can’t wait to work on my goggle tan this week at the Toronto Ski Show. Word on the street is the show is gonna be extra hot.The Evolve Snow Camps crew will be out in full effect rockin Banana Hammocks, don’t miss out.
Unrelated question… How many words per minute can you type? I type with one finger.
I think papa still owns those wooden skis, they are up in the rafters of his basement
the illuminated hat I wear is a ball cap with lights on it from Marks Work Wear house, great for night skiing and very dorky.
Yes come skiing next time but be warned that Mike tries to take you down the dark scary hills just to see you wipe out then laughs at your pain.
Sounds great and typical Kerouac behaviour. Not falling for it though, punintended.
He just saw the post and said “oh, Lauren would like to ski with me”? He’s always surprised to get a friend
hes presently scooping cat poop
I’m actually kind of good? We’ll see. Say hi to the 14 cats for me.
You can say hi to them tonight, don’t forget, six oclock
I know I know. I’m deciding on my Nana outfit right now. All set. Going with peach shirt her favourite colour. http://raymitheminx.tumblr.com/post/33168363649
Um, I don’t know what came over me but I finally joined Twitter. And I’m following you, and a bunch of drag queens! Yes! I’m @artwaif. I love you.
I can’t believe my internet ear eyes. I just barfed on twitter aboot it.
Do you ski or snowboard? I’m gonna give ‘er a go on a snowboard this winter. I’ve turned into a ski bunny and haven’t been on skis in foreverrrr. The S&SBS is a fun time!
This isn’t really a comment on your blog post, but I am stuck in Toronto for a week, and you seem to be an expert on what is happening here. So, for a like curious fellow like myself, what do you recommend that I see/do?
Looking forward to seeing you at the Snowboard show. Check out the Streetsville Secondary snowboard group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/218327014895127/photos/#!/groups/218327014895127/photos/
Congrats on your tix Tom!
Casie I want to be more winter sport active this season rather than city slicking bar winter sport active.
Dan there’s lost to do, what’s your style?/hobbies?/music/art?/food?/everything! Start with Queen and work your way west.
Is that guy carrying a purse?
Yes. He is hilarious.
How am I supposed to compete with a guy holding a purse? There is only one way I can think of…going to the ski show and getting myself a purse of my own, or some new gear…either way.
Let this be a lesson to you kids…. You CAN get free stuff ONLY if you carry a big PURSE.
You look like an expensive bag lady. AKA the best. Lar, hat tip.
What should I be for Halloween
Go as an earwig.
Got an insane pair of boots last year for less than half of what they would have been in a store! Can’t wait to go grab a new board this year – I need it!