Creepy Blogstalkings

How clever am I with that title? Shh. Don’t even try to disagree. Full on cerebral attack. When your language turns in to gabblity gook and peeps start understanding it, what does that say about them then? So I will just own my freak flag if people call me one anyway right? Anyway it’s a play on blogstalking deriving from Pippi Longstocking.
I am the most interesting person you will ever meet. I heard that said about me, from one normie to another, yes I met Raymi and she was, pause pause pause, really interesting. Then the other leapt to my defense and said BUT she has a huge following AND BUT (a cause for a double but now! How unique is this creature exactly?) THEY LISTEN TO HER.
I fluff up my feathers.
What day is this, September still? Everything changes in the fall. Not just the weather. Our clothing, temperaments. Happiness maybe turns to glum from acceptance of the fate of the upcoming months of coldness ahead. Canadians are patient people, I like them. Yes, I like us. We get the teeniest slice of tropical climate and then it goes away and we wait for it again. It is poetic in that it involves suffering. Yes, I suffer from the weather maybe because I allow myself to. I just know that sun is where it’s at and then it’s like middle earth grey sky covered in ash, bleak and cold icing on top, for the majority of the years of my life. Yes I want to live in LA. I hear hipsters and artists eventually become miserable there too, but how will I ever know if I never go? I’ve lived all kinds of places and I’ve sacrificed one lifestyle for another in pursuit of “my dream”.
I digress. No, ramble. Using both makes me look smart.

Speaking of that. I was thinking maybe I should write more and spend less time hiccuping burps and 140 character thoughts at a time on twitter, get better at my writer’s craft. Every time there are Raymi mob lynchings they all say the same thing, my writing. JUST WRITE DICKHEAD. OKAY FINE.
Put it all in one place. I will see how long I can go in one browser only. I bet a lot of you can relate. e-late. Yes you get it.
I was called a con-artist in the last great Raymi bashing war of 2012. No, it was a direct vomment hit. But anyway I never forgot it and I think of it as a treasure because 1. It made me look at myself and 2. what is the internet if not but one giant opportunity to convince everyone that you are wittier, smarter and cooler than everybody else and we are ALL in a race for it people. Then if I am a con-artist that means I am smart, right? Con-artists are smart. Yes? What is my con? Being a fucking idiot? Swish! Getting people to hate me? Done. But, I take that as another giant victory because at least I got people to look at me, anything-me, something-me. Getting on to radars alone is important. I am evidence of this.
I was going to tweet con-artism made easy. Or as fine art, call it a day (Ray) but then thought oh no, too cryptic, what does she mean? All my frenemies will be like FUCK YOU RAYMI. Dee sent me a post she wrote once about worrying about what other people think of you, read it. When people give you advice, take it.
Anyway, I am an advisor for She’s Connected again. I’ve been thinking about what that means exactly, am I talking again? Okay well here are my advisements anyway:
Be nice to people. Don’t talk shit about other women because you point a big fat red arrow over your bitchy unhappy fucking head. Be real. Don’t ring lead or bully. Give credit where it’s do. Passive aggression is pathetic so always always call it out when it’s happening. Don’t let people push you around. Be confident and learn how to wade through this cut-throat vicious idea-stealing, brand grass-cutting toxic arena. Swim away from the sharks and you be you.
It is part of my duty to make you think you can be me. Don’t be me, be better than me. What I mean is, you have to do everything to be everything to get everything, these days. Lots of talking, game playing. Playing the game, game play. Agency wooing. Reputation over-smoothing, schmoozing. Yes, it is a lot. But those are the rules. Break some of them. Break hearts. Take names. Come with adequate table stakes. You can change. You don’t have to do what everybody else does and you can do it by doing what they tell you not to do. Impress yourself first and don’t come in last.
Kay bye.
Time to flex my feminist misogynist muscles now. Wish me luck because I am writing crazy blog rants instead of finishing my draft.

POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE! HUGS! CATS! Wonderful things, be wondeful, make others wonderful, and smile for no reason
Great post but I have one argument about us ALL being in a race. I am sure this is true in your media forward world, but many people don’t live this way. Some work on crushing the inclination for comparison while others call it a religion. Buddhism anyone? I think healthy debate is good which is why I commented. Lovely to see a post with lots of content to contemplate.
Oh I know everyone has their own life-thing. I was “advising” and being cryptic about my specific realm. “Some work on crushing the inclination for comparison while others call it a religion.” please expand.
Meaning that many people work hard at accepting themselves as they are and consciously stay aware of the temptation to compare themselves with others. When it comes up they notice and actively stop or dismiss it. The religion bit referred to bhuddism and there may be other religions similar. But the idea of bhuddism or one idea at least is that all suffering comes from desire so by ending desire (to win the “race” for example) you end suffering. You probably knew that though.
Very well said Miss RTM. Frankly, there should be more comments on posts of this nature. Beautifully said.
I am in the audience with DEE. Perhaps together, we can start an ovation.
When you write this way, its brilliant
and this so resignates:
Canadians are patient people, I like them. Yes, I like us. We get the teeniest slice of tropical climate and then it goes away and we wait for it again. It is poetic in that it involves suffering. Yes, I suffer from the weather maybe because I allow myself to. I just know that sun is where it’s at and then it’s like middle earth grey sky covered in ash, bleak and cold icing on top, for the majority of the years of my life. Yes I want to live in LA. I hear hipsters and artists eventually become miserable there too, but how will I ever know if I never go? I’ve lived all kinds of places and I’ve sacrificed one lifestyle for another in pursuit of “my dream”.
I BELIEVE THAT HIPSTERS AND ARTISTS WOULD BECOME MISERABLE THERE TOO. well maybe they have the sun on there side but if you are a brooding artist you will get melancholy anywhere.
Any kind of art is subjective
for someone to call you a con-artist is perhaps their own negative perception
For you to be still drawing them in after eleven years is a gift. You are ever changing , talented and engaging.
Madonna is an ever changing talent. In her 50’s , she still draws them in. Love her or hate her, she still has that something.
You have to have that special quality to keep an audience interested. And you can’t please everyone so you may as well just be yourself. Loved or hated, be yourself.
Con artist? no. Determined yes. If you were a man you would be called “driven”. But oh’s just bitch or ‘con artist’. Keep doing what you’re doing I think you’re great!
Oh man I’m originally from Vancouver so right there with you on the shitty weather front (ha) there is 2 weeks of summer and 50 of shit grey dismal wet cloud.
Vom of le day award <3
Meaning that many people work hard at accepting themselves as they are and consciously stay aware of the temptation to compare themselves with others. When it comes up they notice and actively stop or dismiss it.
A great practice if you can do it!
Let us all love an ambitious woman RIGHT NOW, and be one too
Whoa! What happened?
What Bob Marley’s said…
Cue Destiny’s Child!
your writing is poetry even though you don’t put the verses in single sentences. I have been enjoying it for years.