Mom link my blawg on your youtube in case it goes viral/nowhere ahaha that was awesome I just laughed the entire way through from the audio alone. We were whispering cats only because my mom said that first like I was going to break in to sporadic MOM’S TURN now on camera or something, sha-right. So to mock her back I whispered cats only too. Everything else that is eccentric I cannot explain after that.
After all this playing they all passed out cos thay so tiny! I napped with them but it was hard not staring at them because I knew on the other side of my eyelid was a PILE OF KITTENS DOZING AWAY. They are $900 a piece. I am like get out of town about that, but seriously, $800-$900 depending on fug-cute ratio + colouration. They’re maine coons. They can turn in to alligator-size have fun. There are three adult ones + Dugan (The stud) that make these kittens once a year. He is a maniac. Slashed open my Nana’s hand once with his rooster talon claw. The imagery makes me wanna vom. Kay bye. Please buy one so Janet stops going bananers from the 13 cats in the house. Oh and by the way the ugly one is actually the cute one IMO.

I love War Horse. I mean, I hate war and I hate horses but put them together and you have something great! I think? I like plays and entertainment and stuff. (I love war films though by the way! I am a conundrum!)

Also, here is wind in my hair. Wind, people. Wind.
Here I am pondering my piece that speaks of sex and desperation. Kidding but not really. I think I wanna turn my article for PBE in to SOMETHING MORE except I don’t know anything about women’s studies because I chose life over feminist rallies BUT I love Bust magazine so, yeah mon. Just kidding I have all kinds of women knowledge and opinions but I consider myself more of a new-age feminist. Don’t get me wrong, men, are can be scum. But I don’t man-bash I just know that women’s brains are the same size and we are equal, end of story. This is a photograph of me thinking about all that stuff in my giant noggin’ plus based on how it’s my third or fourth look, I might even be operating at max-capacity genius from the JD. Men can do it. Raymi can do it better. Promise I won’t stop shaving my arm pits.
All photos by Vasko. Hair by Steve Pella and glorious makeup, Alexander.
I don’t remember what I have or haven’t uploaded with these. I was playing around with the new twitter yesterday. Why does your thumbnail picture get distorted over your timeline rip-off header? I dunno but this (above) was my last twitter profile pic.
Bought that underwear that day. Did you see this already? Meh.
Okay here is a cat.
And more.
I should have just taken one.
Where the wild things are.

And a minx, err, Raymi Bunny. I will get to play ski bunny (speaking of that) pretty soon too. I am excited. Okay brain, work!
so adorablah
You used a Raymi word! I am going to write your name on a trapper keeper now.
I use that word so often my blackberry automatically changes adorable to adorablah
!!!!!!! I am taking the rest of the day off now because you floored me.
I think you should probably have some drinks as well
Way ahead of you.
I haven’t commented in forever, but I had to let you know that adorablah is all up in my vocabulary, too!
You are gorgeous! GAHH!
I think in raymisms sometimes. Adorablah is one of my favs.
OMG!! Kittens!!