One more for the road
I’d rather post this particular Q&A on my blog where I can control everything. Muahaha. I actually also would like to extend a kudos-inspired shout out to my haters right now because you’ve “been good” lately and I truly appreciate it. I don’t want to be fighting all the time or be pissed off, hurt, sensitive, defensive (your favourite) so thank you in advance for canning it and just watching the show. It’s not over yet. You know I’m a big believer in not fucking with nature, just let it roll and see how it pans out on its own. I’m a choose your own adventure type. Any teeny ripple in the matrix can lead one’s stream this way or that coursing over rocks in the riverbed called life so thank you for letting me crash my own “slowest moving trainwreck in Toronto”, much obliged. Love Ronald McBlogald.

“An Open Letter to Haters”
One of the things that came up in your interview is your thoughts on all the haters out there, who have nothing but criticism for your blog. What would you say to all the haters of your work, and all the haters out there in general? And what words of encouragement would you give to people who want to share their lives with others in a similar way to you?
I’ve always “been hated” but I am smart enough to know the true meanings behind it and it doesn’t really hurt me all that much at all. If you’re successful then you have haters. It just sucks for them that they’re not doing anything for themselves in this world than torment some chick who invented a niche for herself and inspires so many others to do the same, to lead fun lives and achieve goals. What a waste of time focusing all of that negative jealous energy. Lately they’ve been hush-hush as I’ve enforced a zero tolerance approach to haters – disarm, delete, ignore. They are nothing to me and are nothing but negative trash purposely trying to bring me down to their level and distract me from my game, so I delete and ban them, sometimes ban them from even accessing my blog period. They know this by now so they just shut up and enjoy the show because if they lip me off again, more banning. I am on the internet for my friends, my long time internet friends and fans and there is so much work to do everyday I really cannot afford to piss away my time fighting with assholes who have nothing better to do or this is the best they can do. I invite people to all of my events, come meet me, have a “discussion” to my face if you feel so fucking strongly because this is the free time I have alloted for bloggy time extracurriculars, but no they prefer darkness and shadows and that’s why I am famous and they aren’t.
How I felt in May. How I feel now, there are more things to say but for now, Bye from Ray.

I just have to say that you are a very strong woman who deals with all the hate well! It takes a lot of courage to be on the Internet and you should be very proud of all your accomplishments and the awesome things in your future
I don’t know what it’s like to have people nit pick my every move and life but you do a great job of standing up for yourself when any person tries to disrespect you. Blog on Wayne! 
Gahhhh! ! Look at you, Raymi!!!….jaw dropping, “stunning ” just barely brushes a description of these pics! Good news on the absence of the asshats too. It just gets better & better; meaning, YOU get better & it’s fun to watch you change & grow. Congrats on everything!
Well said and you look amazing!
haters and trolls are self loathing lost souls themselves, I’m glad you are finally deleting and ignoring, its such a waste of energy dealing with them.
Thanks pals. Raymolution is crappening.
said so well i almost want to hate your eloquence but I can’t-spellbound by your raymolutionist thinking….legs though quite distracting in this image