You’ve been blobbed
ATTENTION ALL PINTEREST DORKS! ANNOUNTING THE NOTABLE STOLI KURATION CONTEST! Floss your Leaderboard skills and win a pair of tickets to MADONNA (mom you make one for sure!) + an all expenses paid trip to the T-Dot + other high-end VIP spoils too: SHARE WHAT YOU LOVE AND WIN AN EXCLUSIVE STOLI PRIZE PACK VALUED AT $2,000 includes trip to Toronto, a pair of tickets to Madonna (Sept. 12), air and accommodation included, dinner, and entry to the Stoli VIP Party!!!!
AND NOW HERE IS WHAT MY LEADERBOARD LOOKS LIKE! Be sure to like all my pics please then get started on your own. To enter: Just upload five pictures of anything you want that inspires you. I had a good time yesterday going through my tumblr and just scrolling down and down then narrowing my choices to 5 things that spoke to me the most and that’s how you win, people vote on images and the ones with the most likes obvs win. If you think you can out-viral me GO AHEAD MAKE MY DAY AND DO IT I mean that sincerely. There’s pretty good odds so far otherwise it’s just me and Madge and you wouldn’t like that now would you. Good luck sports fans!
Steve McQueen is the man. Click and hover over it to Like it for me, thank you very much.
This one I call FANTASY underwater world secret life.
Cheeky kitty Oh you no I’s all about the cutesy and the pinks and the cats.
This LOVE ME TIL I’M ME AGAIN piece I took a photo of at Brassaii then put on tumblr went viral, it’s got over 50k reblogs and notes and sum shit and it’s call cos-a me. ‘spect! I bet you can get more likes than me.
cute rainbow sherbert-y shorts and matching nails!
I knew you’d love that shit LIZ!
as per your humble request. i made a stupid stoli board womp womp. youre pretty high on the leaderboard raymbo! go madonna go!
I just liked all your pics. Great Kurations JuJu.
yo girl! you gotta hit up Thrush about that 50 k thing! awesome ( yes I’m catching up on your blog. yes I know this is delayed. hi)