Aruba Raymi

Time go go boogie at the hotel Manager’s party with the Wine Ladies + the girls. White dress or bathing suit with shorts? We soon shall see. Aruba is ten babillion times better than therapy. Love RTM.
Time go go boogie at the hotel Manager’s party with the Wine Ladies + the girls. White dress or bathing suit with shorts? We soon shall see. Aruba is ten babillion times better than therapy. Love RTM.
Where is that suit from & by whom? So nice.
@lmftweets from Holt. I had leftover gc $$$
Outrageously jealous! OooohwwEEEE that water!!! Soak it up, baby!
Don’t be jeals Lizzy it’s been a long ass Raymi winter.
I always wanted to visit there. I thought they were all nude or topless there?
It’s a good thing you dyed your hair darker before going there. As we’ve seen, no good comes from being a blonde in Aruba.
Way to be positive about my magical vacation Skippy. I wouldn’t go off with anyone alone here regardless of hair colour.
yep you can be topless here Mark. haven’t yet.
I didn’t mean to sound how I sounded… But yes, I am a little perv.
I’m glad your maintaining your hair pants. I miss you bum bum Lauren! I liked the potato wearing a sombrero tattoo.
today i was all about hair shorts actually i dont give a frig! im mexican! frenchican! ariba!
Can you bring me back some sand and a few rocks for my collection pretty please.
Oh, you have a little something stuck to your bum bum…looks as if it might be a land shark. by the way.
yes bechdink!