Suck has been upgraded to suck
We made it to thirsty Thursday people!
A girl on #BBUK yesterday was wearing this exact same get-up as me! Same shirt same glasses samesies sames.
I am really feeling you on this oil and spices thing.
And cheap bellinis and free apps during happy hour. Deadly. I thought a guy was walking a cat after this sindustry evening well spent, reminded me of a fav bar joke of mine: What is the difference between a dog and a fox? Oh, about four or five drinks. Lulzipan.
Raspberry, peach, mango, peach, raspberry. Great way to start the week.
I can’t help but pose stupidly upstairs when I see the Lennon portrait peace signing back at me. It makes me “get over myself”.
Goodbye this car.
Goodbye this hair, I bought deep brown dye that I’ll get busy with after a run with snoop doggy dog once I finish this snoop bloggy blog.
When I was seventeen I happened upon this exquisite way to pose in photos, looking down and taken from a little bit above.
Maybe I won’t dye my hair yet. We’ll see.
This is me as a crabby person.
Dry rub smoked wings. I don’t think I have to tell you that they were fabulous.
Smoked martini with a scotch wash (scotchy scotch scotch) I don’t like the taste of scotch so I don’t know why I said yes to that little extra, but it did give it a bit more of a kick and thus I didn’t down it as fast a reg dirty (or smoked) martini. I’m part-Kerouac I like ta drink.
Glorious sun.
Nice to meat you. Meat injection time!
Look at that!
This just gave me ten trillion times more motivation for my run now.
Then we went to auntie Rebecca’s for Stella’s first time. Her head and eyeballs were going all around like wild cos she was having a blast and smelling and smiling everywhere. Rebecca‘s cat was a big pussy about it though.
Told ya they cast a shadow.
I think I liked it better before but now we have a legitimate breast brothers bonding thing now so, thumbs up. This piece is on wood you can check it out at her show in July at Cardinal Rule (date TBD).
Curry pad thai.
Gorge sky and then the clouds turned pink can ya give it a break I’m trying to watch tv.
Why aren’t my genius vomments vomming?
Anyhoo, I just wanted to say I like bar jokes, but I never remember them. And. I can’t remember what else I was going to say. I like art.
Anything new? like your hair colour?
Are you going to the Sound of Music in Burlington next weekend which is the fathers day weekend?
I think you could cut glass with those things.
I can’t remember how I found this blog, but I sure enjoy your posts. Especially when you paint your nipples!
nice rib sauce titay citay
i ate em up
i also like the baloooons
oh oh