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Time to get really really really real

I have no idea what is going on anymore, what hello? I am talking to you out of a shoe. Just kidding I have not lost my mind NOT YET BABIES. How many girls feel that way sometimes though like they are freaking about to lose it at any fucking second? A gf of mine said one time she had to get physically removed from her apt by her besties for a little calm down babysitting time at theirs. I think we can call that (extreme) white girl problems? Hmm not really I know some cray (dope) black chicks too, crazy is not exempt from race that’s for damn sure. Wow look at this little expert here. Seeing as I am regressing back to life at 21 (BEST YEAR EVER) I may as well take it back to how I wrote and blogged back then. Excessively detailed. In a shit’s hitting the fan kind of way. That makes the reader like AGHHH!! Holding on for dear life the entire time haha. I think with a spurt of nice weather and sunshine I get happy so I act goofier and I am trying to just enjoy it. I “stop caring” and start enjoying. The worst thing about having a solid life like this is not enjoying it. How assholic.

I got conceited about this even though the markers dried out pretty quick, the pink one for sure. I lucked out on orange.

Took awhile to get it right. The picture fools.

Yo save me a piece I do not want to waste my money on this. I’m a new product whore fyi. get am me hints guys.

The Lesnos™ dragged some discarded planters, two of them, huge, heavy. With a dolly. Two trips up to Rebecca’s balcony A woman on the ground floor asked if Bech was Russian (because we were strong like ox?) then asked if we had a mattress for sale. Sad face. Bech is Austrian. It was a cute encounter. 2 Broke girls much though? Lol.

Next jam to be overplayed and over with in 3 days. Right now though I’s drinking it in.

Dancing to Ghostface on my Uncle’s boat. One of many highlights.

Sunday was a fun day in city, a boozy blur. Very fuckin’ Jack Sparrow.

My ponytails lasted in to the next day as well. PARTY STATUE.

When I get through these I’ll do the family boat cruise post. I am an A-hole. See what happens when your entire life turns into a blog bulletin board requirement.

I love my bargaining chips. Perma-boat placement success secured! This guy. (me your hero in case it wasn’t obvious). Thanks Julesy.

Ol blinky is talking about some car he wants to next buy for his triple midlife crisis purchase (his words). He gets shy in front of babes and impresses by talking about his toys like all men do. Cool story bro tell it again.

All the Kerouacs are colourful characters.

No aunt Janet no fancy spread then so this is the lunch I made for us.

Jumper times! No not train track jumper ew gross no. 3F jumper ah-duh.

Got a box of shoes back from Adventurehouse and this is the screening process it had to undergo for house introductory purposes for some reason (because cats are retarded).

No really it was this big. I will cut you if you make a camel toe comment. No Rebecca will. that’s one of her sayings. I try not to make literal threats that get taken literally when you type them out on the internet. But no really though you mess with the bull and you get the horns. WINK. AHaaha. Do you like my big tough guy act?

Can you imagine if I just fell off the back of that thing? That would be fuh-nay. Bet you’d like to see that and yes, I did imagine falling off and sploshing in to the lake. It would have sucked.

Me right now btw and speaking of JOing. Haha what?

I picked out some new products to demo and review from Adult Deals Daily. Sexy minxy “me times” I am stoked. You know you’ve made it when your spanking it gets sponsored. Oh lordy.

The Lelo is a couples vibe they’re doing a featured deal on at the moment. Intriguing.

I like that it looks like it came from the movie Rango, or an iguana, Rango? No idea. No wait I’m right. Sort of. Anyway it’s on sale for $119 at the moment, you have 4 days left. Tell me how you liked it. I’ll be reviewing some other products I will not blow the surprise on just yet. It’s hard to keep my trap shut. But I will do it!

That flippity flap cape is also from 3F I don’t think I’ve worn it out yet. If you saw the piles of clothes and shopping bags in my tickle trunk boudoir I would faint.

Now back to the boat. And my Bruise Watch Summer 2012. It’s faded more now thankfully.

Think you’ve seen that one already. Second time’s le charmant.

Rods everywhere.


Bring your own hot girl. Or maybe there will already be one on board.

Or below deck.

Change times.

Flattering. I always wanted a bond girl suit. See my purse back there haha.

I love iphone reversey mode.

This didn’t look that stupid after all I coulda rocked this look for the rest of the afternoon. Whatever. Now I know. At least we can enjoy it backwards still.

I am a daredevil standing back there.

You don’t have to bring one single thing on board for fishing my Uncle’s got it all covered. And then some.

Woah. There’s an awkward potato.

Yeah buddy all cool now.

I like to keep it Michelle Tanner as much as poss (the hair). Don’t have a cow man which, she appropriated from The Simpsons. obvs but still flies cos Michelle can do whatever Michelle wants. GOOD NIGHT MICHELLE! (ps. superbo RTM FH homage post right hurr BTW).

Jules was like what a ballin’ boat. That is correct. Affirmative. *robot voice*.

I look funny. I refer to myself as a Muppet 400 times more now oh great. AMINAL SMASH.

Cha cha cha see how my arm looks huge but it’s not? Nice.



I love going through the harbour, is that what they call it? I guess so. All calm and serene, back at night too it’s exciting but on the way out you have plane on a runway anticipation you know it’s gonna happen and then they gun the motor and you can rock a surfer stance as you just leave the marina passed the pier. I’m a water baby for sure.

New flag.

Now we all have fishing licenses haha.

Perfect Canadian Tire outfit. Where are the Canadian tuxedos?

TO BE CONTINUED. I have interview questions to answer and a music video to prepare for. Plus a ton-a other ting tangs. Laundry to fold. Ugh. BYE.

YEAH buddy we can find you a rich husband here. Don’t leave! j/k

Carrying shit sucks. Bye for real now.

4 thoughts on “Time to get really really really real

  1. “Got a box of shoes back from Adventurehouse and this is the screening process it had to undergo for house introductory purposes for some reason (because cats are retarded).”

    My cats POUNCE on shoes the second we come in the door, smell them, rub on them, etc. Especially with strangers shoes. Lu will divebomb that shit.

    Also, if you ever need anyone to do flips off your uncle’s boat for, you know, publicity purposes or anything, you know who to call ;)

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