I’m on a boat. etc.
You know what kid, looks like it’s gonna be smooth sailing from here on out.
I’m better now at keeping the compass on the bearing when a fish is on the line. The trick is to hold it steady through the wind and not to turn it so much, just a hair will do. But then you gotta turn it back again then the other way then the other way and then back again.
Cool shirt, where is it?
We ended the voyage on a good note. Jules has always wanted to neck me so it was the least I could do to acquiesce her.

I am in a dark place. haha.

Nice bruise. Summer is the time for bruises. Wah.
Except here I am on a train.
Sick pokemon nails. I can’t believe we pulled this expedition off based on the zero head’s up we had. ps. girls with bikinis are always welcome on my uncle’s boat. Kind of a stipulation.
Fishing license it’s ofFISHial. Yeah buddy!
The orig photo before instagram stomped all over it.
And now it’s all gorgy porgy puddin’ pie. Thanks I’d love a slice!
Thanks for the test tube Jesse Ship!
Lots of tickle trunk costume changes. Kay billions more later, land ho! The roof beckons. Take’r sleazy SOS styles (Strung Out Sunday). ps. You can book my Uncle’s ballin’ 30 foot sea swirl salmon charter fishing boat for a day, it’s got a 14 rod spread full bathroom below deck, bunks, kitchen, hang space, everything. Wishiniwasfishin.ca check out the website (it’s hilarious) for rates. You might even see me on it!
oooh pretty girls fun times! wish i could go to the movie tues. did you get my email? anyhow fun entry. happy SOS raymi.
stop, bikini time.
is it just me or is the red all (or almost all) gone?
yep. faded but I like it for now. my roots are more red though, platinum has no colour left to adhere to combined with red dye which is the hardest colour last, so essentially good luck with that bro.
they say the minx’s heart grew ten sizes that day radha right back atcha!
hahaha <3 <3 <3
Jules it’s nice to be three thousand years old and be able to pull a chick like you.
oh please you are catch of the day minx!
you’re both Japanese
That looks like hella fun.
Totally random and unrelated, but this would totally suit you:
you are correct I would so wear that!