I just know blogs and the unnecessary evil they can befall one and all.
This chick was reading teen vogue out here and NOT a teen! She was old. Sometimes we have to go back to the beginning again so that we can better know our present. I’m sure that was in a movie once. With a unicorn in it. No doubt son!
That’s the chick from Much Music. Or something. I only watch a certain amount of specific television.
Cool walk bro.
Actually I like the top pics with the flower border overlapping because they’re not exactly being cut off or out. Yeah that’s so pinteresting.
Waitin’ for the girls.
All that swag thanks so much 3F Fashions. I am going to fill up bags of clothes and get rid of them head’s up to interested parties. Spring cleaning old stuff I mean. I was submitted for a reality wardrobe show that would so take me if they saw a photo of my wardrobe like how it lives in a pile on the floor in my tickle trunk I have two dressers, a closet and another wardrobe what are those things called? A closet you buy when your apartment bedroom doesn’t have a closet. One of those.
I’ve since trimmed all the snaggly hairs off Okay O-lay!
Ladies I have pix of all you’s too I didn’t upload them this last round I don’t know why I feel obliged to even mention, I don’t like the possibility of someone feeling left out. I am considerate. I just know blogs and the unnecessary evil they can befall one and all. Hey I’m impressively rhymey today. “Funny can’t buy you happiness.” was going to be the title, wah woh.
An awesome indian restaurant was here it was a good hang I bet the cabbies are bummed, I’d be. This is Stupid waiting for me to show up for tacos. Keep it simple guys.
Nice bullet buds.
There’s my stomach.
Oh hey there.
In today’s street style Raymi is modeling her elementary school’s colours navy and baby. Don’t make me say that’s a great band name because it is.
I can just see it now.
As always, we go here to wait for our table. I say The Rhino next time for a change. I have my reasons.
Glad I gave you one, mine broke last night.
Making fun of my stomach regions before I even eat anything is a dick move, now watch it grow.
It doesn’t matter anymore because I am a nihilist now. Like I care.
Blue and blond go together swimmingly. One of my trade secrets. Now you know bro.
Too bad about losing those posts, a good flame war was a brewing. Nice to see that all the fucking losers who are still hell bent on their Raymi obsessions are still at it and up to speed. You mad bro? Why do I threaten you so much? If I suck so much why you here basking in the suck?
I smashed my penny packer glass by mistake, I said to your health and clunk it too comically hard which was embarrassing enough and then it shattered. Also they know this is our drink and it does bring out some cray I think. Brown liquor or red wine if you want to go out of your mind. I should just go ahead and write a rap or a jingle I am wasting my talents on the circle of jerks here. Also on the circle jerk. Nah nah I actually consider everything I do to be productive in the steps toward my life goal fruition.
I was hella embarrassed. They got me another.
This is how you hide your face when you are embarrassed. It semi-works.
Embarrassment over, time to put a new outfit on this was the longest taco date post coverage ever.
Not entirely my fault.
Oops. It was wrapped around one of my giant teeth.
Hard to tell in this lighting but that red hot sauce was pretty full when we got there and we drained it to within an inch of its life.
I asked a bro if there really was a guard cat in this building and he’s like yeah but they’re really nice haha then we took a bunch of pics and I said my ok bye which is our I am fucking leaving now without you warning call but it was meant for rebecca and he goes Bye. Aw you got clothes-lined by the stupids.
Then I had to buy woman stuff and soda water. Sounds like a party. A vodka scrabble party. Chill out it was a Monday and we’re old chicks. The store clerk dug this moment in time of course. No really he loved it.
A troll said I don’t have friends because friends don’t let you dress like how I am dressed if you don’t have a torso but the most hilarious thing about that is this is exactly how rebecca dresses, she wears a white t-shirt and leggings as a uniform so sorry kid go sneer at other people’s lives on facebook who also don’t give a shit about you.
I did not play the R-word believe it or not.
That zit bro on my face is now gone I think I’ll give you a status update when I next get up off my arse. Raymi Lauren White’s ZIT: It’s complicated.
Brand new Tommy Bag and the straps break. That’s life for ya, sometimes you break the bag straps or the straps break you. I need more coffee this is getting retarded. Seven points on a double word score. I also have to do some blog archive stuff investigations.
Don’t do anything while I’m gone ‘cept enjoy yourselves!
The cat just barfed everywhere. Here comes the dog.
Meow meow hop hop.
That Indian restaurant was awful. That wouldn’t serve that shit to the untouchables.
I demolished some biryani after a hike across the city once it was good times.
eastee bunny
i love the food-in-teeth and double chin photos. too funny and good.
Teen Vogue is better than regular Vogue these days. The clothes are cute, sometimes affordable, and the models SMILE! I’m semi-embarrassed to admit I know that…sigh…
I’ve read/bought it too. I like the mini ones.